I'll Post this from a previous post of mine -
"Obviously, I loved the company, and everything prior to knocking on doors, but not the actual door to door - I hated it. I was always embarrass going out in service, never wanting anyone at school, or the neighborhood to see me. I recall after I graduated from HS and started going to business school I aux pio in that magical month of April. I got most of my time in street work. Well, one morning as I was engaged in street work, I ran into a classmate at the business school. Embarrassed, I tried to hide the mags behind my back - they were inside those infamous plastic covers. After a few minutes of small talk and said I have to go, and I hurriedly turned and start walking the opposition direction. As I reached for my mags they were gone. When I turned to the spot where I was talking I saw them on the ground, they must have felled out the plastic cover when I put mags behind my back. Needless to say I felt like a jerk.
I recall a brother during a talk said 'going out in Field Service was unnatural, but we do it for the love of Jah :-(
I hated asking for a donation, hated disturbing folks, hated carrying the service bag, I hated working the same territory over again, hated when people threaten and called security on us. And most of all, I hated 'door to door' work in territories where JW's and people of color were obviously not welcomed. If looks could kill, I would have been death a milion times."
Peace and Security - LL
Restore - You work midtown or downtown? I'm downtown, next to the bull. We should hook up and engage in some street work
Edited by - Larry on 5 September 2002 14:32:30