Not under any conditions. It's not just The BORG, but any religious organization. Religions divide instead of unites.
Peace - LL :)
would you be an active witness or even an inactive one if you could change a few things?
for example: let's say the blood issue could be resolved, would you stay?
or if 1914 doctrine was dissolved or the disfellowshipping/ shunning view changed?
Not under any conditions. It's not just The BORG, but any religious organization. Religions divide instead of unites.
Peace - LL :)
did you love him, hate him or not care one way or another because at the time you were "neutral"?
I didn't like him when he was governor of CA when he fired Angela Davis from her teaching profession at UCLA, Ultimately involved with puting her on the on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted Criminals list, sparking one of the most intensive manhunts in recent American history.
I liked him when he signed into law MLK's birthday in 1983 as a federal holiday. Although it took over 15 years to pass, and he signed it under intense political pressure. Other than that he wasn't much for Civil Rights.
So like the BORG, he was good for some things - LL :)
my husband and i have been married a little over a year now and it has been the happiest year of my life.
i have finally found someone that i truly love and that truly loves me.
he's also my best friend.
Luck! This is my 18th year of marriage, and I must say it was LUCK that I met my wife. I didn't do any thing special, It just worked out that way. I'm glad it happened that way. Although it was luck that we met, it was/is much work that keeps it together. I can't imagine a realationship with anyone else.
I hate to admit it, but if I wasn't in the BORG none of this would have been possible. So I guess the BORG is good for something.
Big Ups to the BORG, but you still SUCK!
Peace - LL : )
theres more if you're interested
Good 1 Danny - LOL :)
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
"To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something?and it is only such love that can know freedom. " ~ Krishnamurti, Think on These Things
did you ever get into just doing random underlines and notes and all that on your study wt or books just to look like you?d studied it without ever having even looked at it before?
Nah, I can't say that I did as an adult. As a youth I would just underline the first two sentences of the paragraph. The answers were there most of the time.
Some WT's looked like a coloring book with the different color highlighters - The more colors the more spiritual you look.
It was always considered a no-no if a mike handler roam the aisle with an unmarked WT.
A mike handler would also be considered spiritual if he had an x-tra WT to hand out to those who didn't have one for the WT study.
LL :)
im not feeling the greatest lately.
looking for some comfort on the only place i feel theres people who understand me.
the last few months have been the most enlightening in my life, showing me that i can be myself, and think for myself without being opressed by a religion that obviously does not care on how their people feel.
New Castle - One thing I 've learned in life is - It All Works Out. Pretty soon you will giving advice to people who said the same thing you said "I have been feeling down...."
Peace - LL :)
for those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for all 18 - 26 year olds.
for the website see .twin bills s 89 and hr 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. the bush administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of american lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future.
stop this madness now before it is too late.
Congressman Rangel wants to bring back the draft so everybody will serve in the military equally, without favoritism to the rich and famous. Or in his own words:
"to make it clear that if there were a war, there would be more equitable representation of people making sacrifices."
The people he represents in his district are affluent & middle class Americans. I don't know if you noticed but Harlem is by no means a ghetto these days.
Peace (wishful thinking) - LL :)
i an reading a book by a writer: eckhart tolle, called: the power of now - a guide to spiritual englightenment.
i like the book very, are there anybody that have read this book?
I was lisitening ot a audio tape of him not to long ago. In fact he did that tape on 9/11 and mentioned that event as he was talking about how human being are all connect to each other and the power of living in the present.
Yes, what a concept, living in the present - not living in the past, or future. If we really think about it, applying that principal would racially change the world.
Thanks for the tip about his book.
Peace - LL :)
i can't.
in the few times i have prayed since leaving the dubs i notice i catch myself -- "dear heavenly god jeh----......" there's just so much emotional baggage connected to the name.
i wish to leave it behind altogether.. b.
I hate that name - I find it very hard to say these days.
LL :)