The Truth
Posts by Larry
Annoying JW Buzzwords...
by Confucious inhey guys, .
was just wondering what is your worst jw buzzword.
probably all of us hate the "just leave it in jehovah's hands.
How many raised in "the truth" have left??
by L_A_Big_Dawg inthis subject has been gnawing at me for awhile now.. so many of you:.
1) were raised in "the truth?".
2) did you get baptized and at what age?.
1) Were raised in "the truth?" Yes
2) Did you get baptized and at what age? 19 or 20
3) What age were you when you faded, were DF'd or DA'd? 34 years old - DA'd - 1998 - Larry
Could This Be the Most Repellent Watchtower ....Ever?
by metatron inyou'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
Yes, this is sick, not because they are begging for money, because all businesses do that, but God' s Spirit Directed Organization should not have to stoop to such 'worldly' manuevers.
Reminds me of Wu-Tang's 1993 hit classic -
Cash Rules Evertyhing Around Me
Peace - LL :)
Jehovah doesn't help with new car transaction unless you ask....
by desib77 inthe other day when i was visiting with my mother she was looking at the new car she and her husband had just purchased.
she told me that they now realize there payments are higher than they should be.
she said sister so and so is going to get them a better loan at her company.
If god would answer prayers for better car prices, why can't god answer prayers for the thousands of people who suffer daily.
Prayer - What a catch 22. If god answers, then good, if he doesn't answer it then it wasn't his will, or YOU didn't pray hard enough - Damn god can lose for nothing :)
Amen - Larry :)
If you could go back to the time of Jesus
by JH in.
if you could go back to the time when jesus was on earth, and you could actually talk to him, what would you ask him?.
would you have followed him, knowing that the end was thousands of years away?
I would ask him:
Why he borrowed his teachings from other Holy Men hundreds and thousands of years before him;
Why his youth is cut of history;
Why he never used his father's name;
Why he didn't personally leave any written words authored by himself, and finally
How do you feel knowing that most human suffering is on account of your name.
Praise the Lord Larry :)
PS - I would have done things worst than Judas, just so that I would be a proverbial saying for time indefinite :-)
What are some of the worst movies you've seen?
by doodle-v inhere's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
I had to look at Soul Plane for a special project - By far the worst movie I've ever seen. Everyone associated with the film should be ashamed of themselves.
The next worst movie I saw was 'Bringing Down the House' - I couldn't believe the stereotypes in that movie.
Last week I feel asleep on Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind. I might give that movie another chance when it comes on cable.
Peace - LL.
Had the 'talk' w/ my dad last night.....
by TallTexan inif y'all remember, i posted a couple of days ago that i'd had the 'talk' w/ my mom and it went really well.
well, at her request, i had the 'talk' w/ my dad.
mind you, he's been in the truth since the mid-50's, elder, pioneer, etc, etc.
Hey Tex - thanks for sharing that. I think your post is an excellent example of why we have this web-site.
Peace - LL :)
Rumors started about you since you left.........
by avishai ini've supposedly been.... gay.
a satan worshipper.
Rumors are synonymous with someone leaving the BORG. That's the one thing that bothered me the most when I first left - The rumors and accusations that followed me and I couldn't defend any of them. A person is at the mercy of the rumor mill when they leave or get put out of the BORG.
Many folks mentioned the rumors that they heard of, but the truth of the matter is there are countless others that you didn't hear of.
Anyway, here's just a few rumors that I heard of:
I grew a beard
My wife influence me to leave
am living a life of debauchery
I'm demonized
Peace - LL.
Watchtower DUMBO plans released to Brooklyn Papers
by Dogpatch inwatchtower dumbo plans released to brooklyn papers.
check out the four new towering apartment complexes brooklyn is getting ready to build on the dumbo property they own!.
Damn good point -
It reminds me of the Nazi's and how to kill those in internment camps they would have them move a pile of rocks from one place to another.
Know they have the Bethelites, thier prisoners buidling and moving things from one place to another to keep them busy and not wondering "when the end is coming".
LL :)
Watchtower DUMBO plans released to Brooklyn Papers
by Dogpatch inwatchtower dumbo plans released to brooklyn papers.
check out the four new towering apartment complexes brooklyn is getting ready to build on the dumbo property they own!.
Mistaken double click :-/