I hope you guys are happy, I really do, but have you learned nothing after successfully extracting yourselves from a religious cult?!
Yes I'm happier since leaving the cult, and yes, I have learned a lot since leaving the cult.
i went to a pranic healing class with my sister in law last week (i've been out 6 years and i'm starting to get pretty open minded).
i didn't expect to feel or experience anything "different".
i thought it was all weird but was not scared of the ideas like i would have been a few years ago.. so anyways we did a couple excercises where we held our hands a couple feet above our partners hands and visualized light in different colors beaming out of ours and hitting theres and then switched roles.
I hope you guys are happy, I really do, but have you learned nothing after successfully extracting yourselves from a religious cult?!
Yes I'm happier since leaving the cult, and yes, I have learned a lot since leaving the cult.
earlier today i was at a local tyre shop standing outside getting a couple of my wheels replaced when this 'sister' who i haven't seen for a number of years decided to approach me.
i didn't even recognise her at first because her hairstyle was different and she was wearing these oversized shades, but this is someone who was always funny with me from day one and hardly ever said a word to me even when i used to be in her book study group that was in her home back in the 90s.. anyway, she asked if it was me and then she said who she was in case i didn't remember.
she told me she saw my sister at the memorial last night (my sister who is inactive wasn't even going to attend that particular memorial, but because this f**king elder i used to hate called her out of the blue to "encourage" her to attend, she went along) blah blah blah but didn't get to speak to her for too long.. so she asked me what congregation i go to but then quickly asked if i'm still in the "truth".
J-Dub encounter Part 3:
LOL! The day is turning out to be very interesting to say the least. I never saw anyone for a long time now suddenly all the dubs are out and about in their droves, possible due to the sunshine.
Earlier I was at Asda picking up a few bits when someone tapped my shoulder. I just KNEW it was going to be another dub and long behold, another character who never liked me when I was there suddenly decides to acknowledge my presence after all this time. Anyhoo, he asked me how I was I said fine. Then he gave me the usual "I was out on the ministry this morning blah blah blah, Bro Jones asked about you the other day (I haven't seen Bro Jones for YEARS and again this was someone who never said much to me)...." and whatnot. So anyway after listening to his usual j-dub diatribe he asked me if I still attend such and such congregation. I told him straight me and my wife no longer attends the meetings. His face immediately dropped as if I just I was recently released from prison. So he said "oh that's a shame" with a bit of scorn in his voice. So he said well hopefully one day, we will return as we "know what it's all about" and with a smile I said "yes we certainly do, who knows what the future may bring". So of course he immediately had to go so we said our goodbyes.
Two interesting things: This is the same person who, the last time I saw him in the hall and tried to make conversation, he couldn't be arsed to even look at me and told me he had to go, yet two minutes later I saw him talking to one of his friends for a good 15 minutes! Secondly, this guy is on the very same congregation as the woman I mentioned in my first post! No doubt she'll be like "but he told me he goes to ****** congregation! He lied!"
So no doubt, Reality79 is going to be the talk of the town in that particular congregation and that circuit. So we're gonna have to be prepared for the usual: unexpected and unwanted home visits and phone calls, more individuals shunning us in public (not that it doesn't happen anyway), evil stares, people spreading even crazier rumours around the circuit etc. I told my sister very briefly and she said she will be prepared for all the questions and typical jdub weird behaviour.
My wife is going to laugh when I pick her up from work and tell her this one lol.
But this is good training because like their Field Circus, the more you do it, the bolder you become!
i have a theory that you can use out-of-context scriptures and warped logic to prove anything.. go on try me... lol tell me something unbelieveable and i'll try to come back with something..
LOL! I was thinking the same thing.
a younger woman from the kh i had attended.
made a specific effort to greet me in the parking.
lot of the grocery store after having walked past.
With some witnesses, when they see that your eyes are not glowing red and you don't have blood dripping from your teeth, natural human decency kicks in and they'll actually show some common courtesy and greet you. Other times, they'll do it somewhat begrudgingly with the purpose of making you remember the "love" (lol) from the "brothers and sisters" in order to "encourage" you to return to the flock.
But generally, as we all know, most times they'll avoid you like the plague because they believe that just being in your vicinity is going to cause a legion of wicked spirits to fly at them. It's just a shame when people who actually knew you intimately for years behave like that, but that's cults for you.
i went to a pranic healing class with my sister in law last week (i've been out 6 years and i'm starting to get pretty open minded).
i didn't expect to feel or experience anything "different".
i thought it was all weird but was not scared of the ideas like i would have been a few years ago.. so anyways we did a couple excercises where we held our hands a couple feet above our partners hands and visualized light in different colors beaming out of ours and hitting theres and then switched roles.
Hahahahaa it's so interesting this topic came up because I rented a couple of books (I've had to rent cos money is tight right now lol) from the library on meditation and crystal healing. I had a Divination Session with a priestess a few weeks ago who teaches Kemetic Yoga and African Cosmology. In fact one of friends does a Kemetic Yoga retreat in Jamaica once every year which I hope to make in the near future since that's where my family is from.
The book on crystal healing definitely grabbed my attention and when my broke ass can afford it I'm going to purchase different crystals needed for different purposes, whether to help with my depression or to help heal certain ailments. I don't have it to hand but it mentions that if you're in certain environments then the properties within certain crystals raises your vibrational field and helps to protect you.
All these things that the Borg teaches are "tha deemunz" are simply spiritual practices mankind did thousands of years before religion came on the scene and they all did just fine. They were at one with themselves and nature and didn't fear death as it was simply viewed as a transitional journey.
One thing the priestess told me was that if something doesn't resonate with you, just don't do it. Now compare to the society who will just tell you to "wait on Jehovah" or to have more "faith" even if it's killing you inside because you know deep down it isn't true.
Give me spirituality over religion any day.
will you heed jehovahs.
clear warnings?.
(the watchtower - july 15, 2011).
The internet is going to be the ultimate downfall of this evil organisation, I guarantee it. They really think that in this information age, some people are not going to analyse the information they're being given? The fact that you can actually get in trouble for looking at apostate websites says it all.
It's only a matter of time before they tell their followers to not use the internet at all for any reason.
any person or situation ?.
Jehovah's Witnesses.
it's 9:10 sunday morning.
i'm dressed already, and just finished rushing through my watchtower a few seconds ago.
now i need to wait for my ride to pick me up (i couldn't drive yet).
It's no surprise that people would feel physically sick before going to and during the meetings. Lord knows, I've experienced it several times.
My health has improved a lot now that I'm out that hellish cancer. But try telling that to an active dub and they'll probably say it's because Satan and demons no longer feel the need to attack you now that you're no longer serving the Immortal Big Brother CCTV camera in the sky Jebooovah.
Soon teenagers will be a part of the GB the way things are looking.
i admit it----i plan on getting up at 4:00 freaking am to watch it.
i remember getting up around that time 30 years ago .
anyone else plan on watching it?.
Nah, I'd rather be playing the new Mortal Kombat game.