Hi Wolfgirl,
I add my "welcome" to you along with the others, and you have my compassion for the the abuse you've endured. (Btw: it makes sense that you "chose" an abusive man to marry; even if your memories were not in the front of your mind, survivors tend to hook up with abusive partners because they feel so "familiar." It takes much time and work (and a competent therapist!) to recover from a lifetime of lies and denial, and to acquire some self-esteem and dignity. I truly hope that the man with whom you are now in love can be supportive of your efforts to heal and get to the other side of this.
What I'm wondering: can you be more specific about what it is you are trying to research? Do you have a particular objective in mind? Are you dealing with doubts within yourself that you should go "back" to the Borg? I remember from my 14 years' of involvement with them hearing constantly that being "among God's chosen people" is the ONLY "safe" place to be... so ironic, isn't it, when your story is one of thousands (millions?) proving that the opposite is true...
I guess I'm wondering what would be of the most help for you right now. Perhaps you yourself do not even know (very understandable!). Whatever it is, you have found the best place for it, of that I'm sure.
Wishing you the best,