LMAO SYN !!! This one's a keeper. lauralisa
JoinedPosts by lauralisa
All of SYN's Photoshopped Pictures
by SYN in.
earlier today i landed up at my strike9 site, and thought it'd be cool if i posted all of the photoshops i've done in the past...enjoy.... .
and now for my personal favourite:.
Do you think the war has gone better or worse than expected?
by Simon in.
i know there have been some 'bad' events but on the bigger scale of things i think the war has so far gone remarkably well.
if the reports are to be believed then major resistance has crumbled and, althought there is still a lot to do, it does not appear to be turning into the street-by-street bloodbath that some feared.. whether it will be judged truly successful will, of course, take many years and will largely depend on how things get off to a good start or not with any interim government.. the troops have done a great job ... let's hope the politicians don't flush it all down the drain.
Here's another suprisingly under-reported remark by ex-CIA director James Woolsey:
Woolsey told the audience of about 300, most of whom are students at the University of California at Los Angeles, that all three enemies have waged war against the United States for several years but the United States has just "finally noticed."
"As we move toward a new Middle East," Woolsey said, "over the years and, I think, over the decades to come ... we will make a lot of people very nervous."
It will be America's backing of democratic movements throughout the Middle East that will bring about this sense of unease, he said.
"Our response should be, 'good!'" Woolsey said.
Singling out Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the leaders of Saudi Arabia, he said, "We want you nervous. We want you to realize now, for the fourth time in a hundred years, this country and its allies are on the march and that we are on the side of those whom you -- the Mubaraks, the Saudi Royal family -- most fear: We're on the side of your own people."
Woolsey, who served as CIA director under President Bill Clinton, was taking part in a "teach-in" at UCLA, a series of such forums at universities across the nation.
Woolsey has been named in news reports as a possible candidate for a key position in the reconstruction of a postwar Iraq. -
So Long, I'm Off to Iraq to be a Human Shield
by Robdar inapril fool, ya big silly!!!!!.
Whoa. I go to work, come home, check out the board, and wtf...
Granny Linda, how much I wish we could sit down and have some coffee. How wise you are.
Humor dispels much angst. If I were to let my true feelings about this war propel my typing fingers, it would certainly result in a diatribe not appropriate for this forum. No one would read or care what I would have to say anyway.
I beg anyone who takes offense of the April fool's day opportunity to "laugh" to please extend some latitude. I obviously do not understand the attacks taking place in this thread; I don't want to understand them, even though some of the people making them are held in very high esteem by me.
I support anyone who keeps the "curve" in balance... tyydyy, good points you make.
oy, lauralisa -
So Long, I'm Off to Iraq to be a Human Shield
by Robdar inapril fool, ya big silly!!!!!.
Wait a second. I think you have come up with the most brilliant idea here! I'm game to go... let's wear lime green mu-mu's and bring leis as peace offerings (guys too - Gopher you can wear orange!). All military personnel will flee in fear!!!
HAHHHAAAHHAHHAAA HA (Of course we'll have to stop over in Hawaii first)
Hope you're feeling well, lauralisa -
Internet and War
by Satanus inhow much do y'all think that the internet has to do w the public opinion of the war?
could it be that the pro war side is mainly fed by television and radio, whereas the anti war side uses the internet more?
what is your estimation of the internet influences and uses?
g'day Unclebruce!!!!!!!!
or g'night, whichever the case may be... Let's go over there and kick butt. I bet they'd just stop all that nonsense at once. (You know how much of a bitch I can be!!!!!!!) *smile*
smooches, lauralisa -
Internet and War
by Satanus inhow much do y'all think that the internet has to do w the public opinion of the war?
could it be that the pro war side is mainly fed by television and radio, whereas the anti war side uses the internet more?
what is your estimation of the internet influences and uses?
Hi SS - what a great article!
Power struggles..... they make the world go round!
I loved this line:
[quote]The people who make up smart mobs cooperate in ways never before possible[/quote]
I received the following e-mail from my ex-husband, who has been involved in defense R & D for over 20 years. It blew me away. [i]I can't stand this war or the persons who rail-roaded the US into it, but find it impossible to not 'support' (I guess I mean empathize) and care about the deployed troops.[/i]
Subject: FW: A message from Kuwait
Importance: High
All: FYI. Just remember, we who calculate also fight! --
Thought you might like to see this. I've sent the whole thread -- the
original message is at the bottom.
To: DL MDNTS Leadership Team
Subject: FW: Patriot & Math & the 10 year {PRE war} war
Interesting note from Kuwait!
-----Original Message-----
From: - SETA
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 4:38 PM
Note from Kuwait via Pat ----- from ex-BMDOer, Maj Dan ----
that I know you'll especially appreciate
All, Timely proof our efforts are recognized. Andy
Ma'am, A little bit of validation of the mission.
MAJ Dan ---- worked at MDA in Project Hercules a couple of years ago.
He's now in Kuwait and sent this update. Good to hear...
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: Patriot & Math & the 10 year {PRE war} war
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> (This is the original message, forwarded to all the above)
[quote]Hello Missile defenders
Several Al Samud missiles were shot at us over yesterday and last
night. Our nation lost several good young people last night on the ground,
however none to missile hits.
My locations OK, guarded by Patriot intercepts. Good thing for those
math and science folks who burned the midnight oil in peacetime!
COL Newberry, Patriot PM, was actually in one of the Patriot batterys
when it engaged and intercepted one of the morning shots at us.
words can't say it all. ...stayn' alive .
ps- When someone asks you "What did you do in the great war?", just
answer, that you fought the war on a calculator, a computer, and a
physics book, 5 or 10 years before the intercept was needed.
thanks, missile defenders
MAJ Dan [email protected]
Local in Camp Doha, Kuwait- 438-4636
Peace, lauralisa -
Hollywood isn't anti-war,
by Sadie5 inhttp://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110003188
this article shows hollywood's true colors.
they're not anti-war, they supported clinton through military involvement.. sadie
Amen Hillary
"Satanic Thoughts" in The Finished Mystery
by refiners fire inthe organizations position, if pressed, is that they prefer dubbies not to read the finished mystery book, because, even though it served gods purpose and stirred christendoms priesthood into a white heat of hate, the book contains some satanic thoughts that god allowed to slip in there for some reason.
anyway, i thought i might present some of these satanic thoughts so that the household of faith can know what they need to be on guard against.
satan seems to have slipped in a lot of his own thinking, especially when it comes to the books interpretation of the symbols of revelation and what these mean.
Hey Refiners,
Sometimes you post stuff that blows me away. This is one of them. Thank you for all the effort and time you have put into this - awesome stuff -
lauralisa -
by SheilaM inthunder and i saw dreamcatcher based on the book of the same name by stephen king.
i screamed at least three times, it stayed true to the novel and the actors were amazing.
i loved how they made jonsey's office in his mind, it was just as i had imagined it.
Hi Sheila,
LMAO!!! When I read the subject title "DreamCatcher" I remembered how much grief one of my best girlfriends was seriously 'cautioned' against having one in her house by those ever-caring jw elderettes... she lived in Hawaii, and supposedly it was practically an invitation to all deemonz everywhere to surf on in and take over her life.....
Agh. Fortunately we are both out now...!
Stephen King has GOT to be one of the most prolific writers on the planet. Where does he come up with those ideas??? So inventive. I haven't read the book, in fact I haven't seen a movie in an actual theatre in soooo long..... gotta get a life, here
btw, your hubby's web-page ROCKS
Can't wait to read the book
lauralisa -
Update on my job
by DanTheMan injust got a call from my hr guy.
he wants me to come in monday to get everything settled, so i can "get back to work.".
so unless he was totally lying to me and they plan on firing me, i still have my job.. yippeeeeeeeeee!.
Awesome news, Dan !!!!!!!!