{{{non-conjoined siamese twins}}}}
omg Jo.. your mom does NOT = no one. Your mom = (ok I shut up now)
you are so 'getable' that it's scary to be around you. Beverages come flyin' outta my nose without a moment's notice. I can't wait for the next time...... just thinking about that whole "hooters!" thing just ................ LMAOROFLORLFORLFO
love you both
JoinedPosts by lauralisa
No one gets me!
by joannadandy inyes it's true...i am having flashbacks of my angsty teen years where my call to arms was always "you just don't understand me!".
miss eyegirl and i have been spending a lot of time together.
probably too much for the safety of the human race.
Happy New Year and OUCH
by xenawarrior inhappy new year to you all !!
sitting here right now after having root canal surgery this afternoon.
i don't freeze well so the endodontist had to administer 9 shots of the freezing "stuff" in there and it's now starting to wear off.
I'm going to throw my vacuum cleaner outta the window AND have a few too many tonight to help you in your rut canal cause. I'll also be sending psychic coincidences your way.
Happy happy joy joy 2004:
This year is the year of the seventeen year locust, at least in Maryland/Virginia. My son was born January 4, 1987, and there were "17 year" locusts covering every surface of every thing, everywhere. I guess we'll find out if mother nature is accurate with the counting thing, huh.....? Actually, XW has 17 extra canals in thur, but she's too modest to say it. -
Happy New Year!!! *** Lobs 'fridge from balcony ***
by Elsewhere innew year's flying fridges warning south african police will crack down hard on anybody throwing old fridges from high-rise buildings during the new year's holiday, they say.
police and soldiers are on patrol in johannesburg's notorious hillbrow suburb, famous for the practice.
throwing heavy objects from balconies and firing guns have become something of a bad "new year's institution," said police inspector kriben naidoo.
Do broken CD players count? -
looking for x-jw minn.
by midwest inlooking to make contact with any x-jw living north of mlps st. paul
I'd love to meet some of you guys...
Jo, please let me know if something gets planned (don't check in here much), k?
-Red Wing, here
lauralisa -
Merry Christmas from the Frozen Tundra
by xenawarrior inlistening to christmasby alan harris.
have you ever heard snow?.
have you ever heard christmas?.
LMAO first of all @ you two freaks..!!
Lisa, that poem made me cry. So beautiful. The reason you don't have any snow is bec. it's all over here.
DEAD ROBINS? I thought for SURE it was the .... did you get a million dollars?
MERRY HOLIDAYS everyone ...
I'm off to see Dr. Science and the two mini-docs - right in the middle of "code orange" land.... and Evan is on his way to Ohio, right in the middle of "code orange" I-270 land.... *sigh*. OMG how dare you say I have an anxiety problem.? Wish the catholic schoolgirl and Sonic the Hedgehog (that's you, Valis) were here. And XW, the best therapeutic laughter specialist in the world.
Love, cowboy-boot wearing lauralisa -
JW's - fascinating
by DanTheMan ini just signed out apocalypse delayed from the library.
i am looking forward to reading it after i post this thread.. what is it about jw's that i can't just walk away from it and forget it ever happened?
why is it that i feel such a kinship with those who have escaped, and why do i feel so compelled to educate myself on a group that i've left?
Hi DanTheMan!
I agree w/Brummie... AND everyone else who posted. Nothing to add! Patio, you scare me sometimes; I always nod my head and smile when I chance upon one of your posts.
I also wanted to tell you that if you go to http://www.mycathatesyou.com and click on "our cats", then click on Cats names starting with D you will find a real cutie pie cat named Dan the Man...!
Warm hello and merry everything, lauralisa -
People Around the World Love our Ideals....
by SixofNine in........they love what we stand for.... they just want us to act in accordance with our ideals.
that means to respect others, that means to intervene only reluctantly...... multi laterally if we at all can.
it means to be slow to anger, to use international law and international organizations where possible.
Just for fun, I typed in 'double edge flip flop" and it showed 19,400 results.
GWB 'revisited' got a total of 8,940 results; Wesley Clark 3,590.
btw I agree with you and Heathen re the remarks in your last post. -
People Around the World Love our Ideals....
by SixofNine in........they love what we stand for.... they just want us to act in accordance with our ideals.
that means to respect others, that means to intervene only reluctantly...... multi laterally if we at all can.
it means to be slow to anger, to use international law and international organizations where possible.
double edge,
Just for fun, I typed "George W Bush flip flop" into Google.
Ten pages. -
Hey girls, your going the wrong way!
by Elsewhere inif memory serves, my classmates and i avoided the school cafeteria as much as possible.
http://www.cnn.com/2003/education/12/16/srudents.arrested.ap/index.htmlstudents arrested after raiding university cafeteria.
boca raton, florida (ap) --a bad case of the munchies during finals week has landed four first-year students in handcuffs.. four 18-year-old women at florida atlantic university had been studying into the early morning hours when they decided to take some cereal, fruit and other snacks worth about $25 from the university center marketplace kitchen, according to a police report.. spotted by a maintenance worker who called campus police, the four were handcuffed and taken to the palm beach county jail, where they were held for the rest of the night.. "burglary is entering and remaining in a place with the intent to commit a crime," campus police spokesman chuck aurin said.
You are sick. All of the chemicals in that lipstick combined with the mercury in your mouth and you ask "why do I have a fever?"
I, personally, have experienced first-hand the need to steal cafeteria food after too much "college." I could not help it. My cells were crying out for food. How can one make a choice when desperation is involved?
Plus, you can't post anything coherent when you have the flu. I'm posting this "diss" thing in advance in case I get it as a direct result of your "Pucker Up" hat. You weirdo.
Love, lauralisa -
Praise Bill, I got my MCSD !
by Simon inas per my previous "proclamations of self-achievement" .
i passed my exam !
wohoo ... passed another exam !.
Okay, Simon.
That MCSD thing does not suck, and congrats -
Perhaps you'll be ready to tackle some MACINTOSH issues now out of boredom.
Just a {{{Hugfilled}}} thought {{and hoping you'll someday realize the superiority of/ actual existence of macs}}}
Defending the rights of macintosh-users' existence everywhere, even though you'll completely ignore me and whatever,