Hi broccoli hair, (awesome visual, btw)
Life is 95% crapola, 39% sleeping, 24% feeling like shit, and 79% doing the same old day-to-day dork-wad routine that you never signed up for (!) nor feel like doing.
.000000003948578% is magic.... and I don't mean the 'casting spells' kind of magic; it's a flash of something that happens like when you're listening to "Whipping Post" or "Blue Skies" or channel surfing and surprise ! Marlon Brando describing "horror" (uh, not a good example I guess, but IMHO Marlon Brando could read box of macaroni and cheese and it would be "magic")
Or the few moments when you can't imagine being anywhere else in the entire universe than the place you are in at that precise moment because it is SO GOOD
Usually, feeling loved has a whole lot to do with what I'm talking about.... I don't know if you have had to lose your family in your exodus from the borg or not, but if you have, finding 'new' family takes TIME... but it does and will happen... you just have to hang on and wait, okay?
In the meantime, spew all you want and we will read it. One of my favorite 'feel better' books is "The Myth of Sanity" by Martha Stout, PhD... many survivor stories in this
love, lauralisa