What an amazingly beautiful young woman you are, Orbiting. I can't wait to hear about it.....
love, laura
i have spoken with a number of you already about my journey this winter, but i thought i'd share the story with all of you before i leave this thursday.
this fall i was asked by one of the professors at my school to go with her on a mission to guatemala.
her proposal sounded very interesting, but i didn't think i would be able to go because of my family's financial situation (my widowed mother has been paying my tuition and my brother's tuition while we both attend private institutions).
What an amazingly beautiful young woman you are, Orbiting. I can't wait to hear about it.....
love, laura
i was just going through some of my pink floyd cd's.
gosh, i love this band.
i took it personally when roger waters left.
Pink Floyd is ..... well, can't imagine how I could have gotten thru life this far without them.
I used to have a yahoo ID: earthbound-misfit
Tongue-tied and twisted
just an earth-bound misfit -----------> I
My "delicate sounds of thunder" video is almost worn out
Hugs, laura
to many people, the new year symbolizes hope--a chance to cast away that which has bothered us, and to cultivate all of the things we have dreamt about throughout the year (but never found the energy to do).
i both believe in and love the spirit of the new year, but it is vital for us to remember that the hope we feel now is merely the result of a collective belief in ourselves and in each other.
there is no more opportunity on january 1st than there is on any other day of the year, yet we feel inspired and motivated to change our lives.
{{{Orbiting the Sun}}}}}
You continue to amaze me. What a beautiful post, and muchly needed, at least for me...
Thanks and mucho grande love,
i don't mean to sound morbid, but we're all mortal.
just as we are wise if we plan for our financial future, we are also wise if we plan for our demise (timely or otherwise), so that our relatives know our wishes and are not burdened with difficult decisions in the case a fatal event befalls us.
so for those of us who are currently unchurched -- we all know that if you wish to "tie the knot" you can quite easily get a "justice of the peace" to perform a wedding.
Hey Gopher:
Did you see page 1 of the Minneapolis paper? You can now have your, um, 'final moments' online.
This weirded me out. Wow, a "DeadCam"! "FuneralCam" ('FunCam for short) ! "FinalCam" !
Then we could look forward to future episodes of "America's Funniest FuneralCam Videos" - like when the deceased moves, for example?
Ick! Love, laura
kegdom ministry.
volume 1, issue 3. .
welcome to the third edition of the kegdom ministry.
How much dosth thou rock?
fun... fun fun
if there are any real estate agents out there, or people who know about such matters, i would really appreciate some opinions.... if not, i could really use some plain old sympathy.
just 8 months ago, my mate & i moved over 1000 miles to a new state .
we found a house to rent.
Hey! Let's have the apostofest here. We can trash the place! Actually, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea... (well not the trashing part)
Let's see what resident significant other says..... hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Animal!!! What a GREAT idea.... I was hoping for serious rent discounts in exchange for my cooperation... but asking for lease 'release' is a good one too
hugs, laura
if there are any real estate agents out there, or people who know about such matters, i would really appreciate some opinions.... if not, i could really use some plain old sympathy.
just 8 months ago, my mate & i moved over 1000 miles to a new state .
we found a house to rent.
Wow, thanks New Light & ugg...
Xandria - thank YOU... good stuff there. I seriously doubt if this situation will get so awful that we'll need to have a major thing over it... I really want to PREVENT something from REALLY freaking me out though. In the past I've trusted people to be good to their word, keep things 'cool' in general, etc/ and have been horrified by how easily it is for them to toss any "understandings" without an eyeblink.
It has been a rough year, and this latest little shake-up sucks, but I think everything's gonna turn out well, as soon as someone sends me several hundred thousand dollars, which should happen any minute now. HAHHAHHAAAHHAA
Thanks again - lauralisa
well, i'm old as the hills today...........and for anyone wanting to know details, lets just say i'm over 21............. .
i'm leaving in about 20 minutes to go over to my horrible "apostate" friends house where they're giving me a (gasp!
) birthday partaaaaaaa!!!
Happy Birthday Mary !!!!
Tasteless and Disgruntled Goat Class.........Oh man that got me laughing -
I understand how you feel too about 'celebrating'. Thanks a lot, T & D goats... try making a LIST of all of the BAD things that might happen while friends get together to celebrate another year of your life... betcha can't even name one thing.
It's your birthday and you can do anything you damn well feel like!
love, lauralisa
if there are any real estate agents out there, or people who know about such matters, i would really appreciate some opinions.... if not, i could really use some plain old sympathy.
just 8 months ago, my mate & i moved over 1000 miles to a new state .
we found a house to rent.
Yeah, life is so interesting, sometimes I feel like so lucky. NOT I definitely do not have an uninteresting life.!
Prisca, thanks - I could deal with this kind of junk really well when I was 20, but I don't have the patience for people "lording" their whatevers around at the expense of my being able to feel 'safe' in my own house without at least two years' notice anymore... I imagine that somehow I'll get past this though with enough leinenkugels !
Dana. Yes, I've got the fireplace blazing right now, well, in my dreams that is...*sigh* Someday.... you crack me up.... my learning curve was much longer -- give the UC a big hello for me. and the bay too.
Mary - the place is already pretty scary.... we have the most bizarre christmas tree in the world - sort of a testimony of poverty, in an "artistic expression" kind of way... yeah.
Dan - can't wait to rip up my own carpeting... it's fun and good for your cardiovascular whatever! I swear this is true but I can't remember how I know it. Hope you are well...
Rem - Hey, great elder-speak! Surrounded each day of his life, each hour, by noise and human-maintenance issues, the man quickly acquires and employs efficient techniques in order to ameliorate and/or minimize the materiel outlay (HE eats this cost) and its inevitable, complicated and lengthy resolution process. Reduction in the persistent, annoying humanoidous tendency to emote over normal daily events will result in a few more minutes per day of - having a few more minutes.....
Forgive me for being so direct. Thank you for your, uh, concern, but please be assured that I will be able to manage in a mature, coherent manner throughout this process..... I won't enjoy it very much, because I don't like it when complete strangers have control over my basic well-being - I especially don't like it when they actively threaten it. That's not going to happen to me again, ever. ever.
Some dork-wad is coming here tomorrow morning at 10..... hope they don't mind but I'm NOT giving them any cookies. As IF!
to all:.
my hubby and i are getting ready to self publish his book was wondering if any avid readers would like an excerpt that would be willing to give us feedback on it.
Hi Sheila -
I've loved Anne M since forever, Tolkien, Herbert, and I'm just finishing the "Amber" series !
My husband and I both eat fantasy stuff up and would love to have a chance to read it- [email protected]
thanks and GOOD LUCK (hmm feels good to say that)