Here is an interesting thread from a while ago for those who are interested in reading more!
{{Lyin eyes}} wish I had more time to write/respond to you right now... agreeing with all you said tho and wish you the best in the long-term effort it takes to keep our "special" kids safe.......
JoinedPosts by lauralisa
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
Sheila, I started to post a reply first this this morning - no other replies had yet appeared... but I could not compose a decent post in the short time I had available.
I have ADHD... and so does my son, who is now 16. Lyin eyes, our situations are so similar that it is scary. However, it was not until we put our son on ritalin that he was even able to remain in pre-school. I was told by "experts" in the school system (Fairfax county, VA - they are NOT lacking funds there...) that he would probably not be able to attend "mainstream classrooms." At this point in time however he is an honor student.
I went thru hell trying to manage his behavior and protect him from himself. I was an active witness then. My god, I had to endure studying the "family" book with some elder's MOTHER because they all thought I was a freak. I remember just rolling my eyes a lot. I finally relented and agreed to a course of ritalin on the advise of a good nurse practitioner, and the difference was such that I could never possibly describe it... it was the last resort, and I wish I had not waited so long (he was FOUR years old.)
Is ADHD over-diagnosed? YES
Is ritalin/Adderal/etc. over-prescribed? YES
If a bunch of over-burdened doctors fail to do their job correctly and make it impossible for people who genuinely benefit from these medications to obtain them..... many people will suffer in ways that can not be calculated. I started taking adderal when I was in my thirties, and I was finally able to hold on to a job for more than a few months for the first time in my life.
Yes, the abuse potential is staggering, and that is why it is a controlled substance. However.... people with ADD do NOT get "high" when they take amphetamines. A good no-brainer litmus "test" for me was that I never understood why people spent all that money on meth, coke, speed, etc.... never got ME high !!! Of course, peeps raised in the borg would probably not have such experiences...
Six, SIX, SIX OF NINE, I've missed ya, and here you are, being the voice of calm and reason once again. Thank you for posting to this topic. Did I say I've missed you?
The practice of medicine in this country is in the toilet, imo, and people like "Montel Williams" do not help matters by competing with Jerry Springer.
Respectfully, lauralisa -
by The_Bad_Seed inyes folks, this time it's for real.
our favorite wild man texan is turning the big 2-5 today, and here i make an unanticipated return to wish him a happy deliverance from his sometimes boring, most times blip-dippity-hap-slappity fun world of 24dom.
happy birthday big guy!
I see a woof in every man, and I see a woof in Yewh...!
Classical statement moi, laura -
I spoke with an old JW friend on Friday....
by LDH ini thought you all would enjoy a conversation i had on friday.. i was at work, minding my own business, and my phone line rang.
it was my sister in syracuse.
she said, "you'll never guess who i'm talking to!
Lisa it is good to see a post from you.
One time I was in a restaurant in Baltimore. I was married at that time (briefly!) to a freakish like man. We overheard some people talking at the next table... calling each other the N word.
I told them I objected to them using the "N" word.
They looked at me like I was asking to be disemboweled.
The ex-husband almost tied the tablecloth around my face.
Isn't it interesting how I am not offended by your (and Teejay and JT and Preston's) use of the N word... but I was offended while at the restaurant. Actually, I wish you guys would NOT use that word, because actually, I can not even remember what the issue is that is being discussed...
Is that not interesting? Probably not.
Regardless.... I've missed, you, LDH and teejay...
huh? -
by The_Bad_Seed inyes folks, this time it's for real.
our favorite wild man texan is turning the big 2-5 today, and here i make an unanticipated return to wish him a happy deliverance from his sometimes boring, most times blip-dippity-hap-slappity fun world of 24dom.
happy birthday big guy!
Valis is 25, and I'm 12
Happy birthday, man, whenever the f**k it is..... *smile*
love, laura -
The "Security" Of Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini am convinced that many witnesses are happy that they are in this religion because they are told exactly what to do and how to think.
it gives them a sense of security.
they don't have to blame themselves for anything.
Hi Minimus,
I wrote this a long time ago, but still reflect sometimes on how "easy" it was to have a universal explanation for ALL THINGS, so to speak. I still miss that 'security'... but know better now! (I am lame when it comes to formatting on this new forum but here is the germane paragraph.)
I have compassion for anyone who struggles with the desire to "go back" to the organization because it is their heart-felt belief that it is the only way to truly serve God; I have never tried to convince anyone I've known from the hall to leave. (Then again, it's not like they would ever talk to me.) On the other hand, I've got the clarity of thought to know, and I mean KNOW, that the organization that claims itself to be God's only channel and mouthpiece is NOT. Separation from the controlling fear tactics has given me the ability to look at the very real, entirely legitimate credibility issues that exist regarding it... issues that are blatant and in need of exposure.
I don't have the security of feeling like I've got access to "absolute truth" like I did before, but I do know that I can participate in this human existence thing without hating every single day and cursing the day I was born...
Not much time, but thanks for the interesting thread...
lauralisa -
by Smoldering Wick's been a while since i've posted.
i've been playing it cool...not really thinking about religion, just living life.
got a visit from my older sister & her husband.
Hi Smoldering Wick !
I have missed your posts on the board. It's good to see your name again.!
I can't answer your question, because I'm a female (chortle), but I can definitely see why you'd want to know. Are your jw family and friends going to continue to acknowledge your existence in the lifestyle to which you've become accustomed, or are they going to have to "take a stand" if some declaration is made regarding your status as a human being?
I would be interested in knowing how things turn out for you. I hope, really, that the elders' interference into your personal privacy (a right protected by the constitution, but you already know this) so that their "records" are up to date (gag) does not result in any changes in your day to day life.
Again, good to see you, and please let us know what transpires, okay?
lauralisa -
U.N. Dismantled
by joannadandy ini just read an article where they were interviewing noam chomsky.
(i'm not even going to post the whole article because i know with 95% accuracy who will post on the thread, which posters will think he is a brilliant guy, and which posters think he is a pinko cornholio.
) in the article he mentioned, and then loosely named the wasington post and wall street journal, that there is a new call that perhaps the u.n. should disband.
Damn, Joanna,
I've been trying to digest all that's been written on this thread but I can't stop laughing at the "pinko cornholio" reference.....
--------> lifting back of shirt over head and vibrating with giggles -
by Xandria inis ziggy right ?
do we think we do not deserve to be happy at times.. i wonder.
there are times i feel unworthy of certain things, but then my husband says "snap out of it!".
Thanks for telling us more, Xandria... it's a full time job, for me, thinking thru this guilt crap. I love your posts; they are always illuminating and thought-provoking. LOL @ the SNL quote. I literally used to put post-its around with little 'affirmations' on them.... I think they even helped
I can't believe I spelled your name wrong. I can not edit my posts. In fact, getting some space between actual paragraphs is about the best I can do format-wise. DUH time a million times a billion....
Agh, laura -
by Xandria inis ziggy right ?
do we think we do not deserve to be happy at times.. i wonder.
there are times i feel unworthy of certain things, but then my husband says "snap out of it!".
Hi Xandria,
A wise person once told me: "It is an irrational thought to believe that something is wrong if you don't feel happy." Sometimes you just wake up and feel crappy... or blah, or even just "even".... due to lack of sleep, hormones, stress, etc.
Sometimes things just are they way they are, and we worry about how they got that way... like it is all under our control - as if!
:somehow they are unworthy or feel like it is beyond them.. to be happy in life.
You mentioned feeling "unworthy" a couple of times in your post... perhaps you are feeling guilty for stuff that you have done, should have done, coulda done, etc.... guilt sux... it takes a lot of effort to unthink your way out of it sometimes, especially when you have been programmed and conditioned to go along a certain path (dictated by freaks who want your compliance) or you'll be destroyed.
It's hard to add to what bikerchic and Andee said, but if knowing someone cares about how you're feeling helps, here you go.
hugs, lauralisa