Something else that may blow your mind...Did you know that until 1974, a woman couldn't divorce her husband on "scriptural" grounds if he had sex with another man or even an animal?
Jamie, I did know that. I had read about the adultery clarification, and extended it to included all porneia outside of marriage. But before that, a bro or sis had to stay single while their ex carried on a homosexual relationship. The reasoning was that this was "unnatural" and they guilty mate had not "become one with" the other person, therefore the bond still held. I remember thinking that sucked, but then I reasoned with myself (figures) that open homosexuality was not so common back then, and that the "new light" probably came out "just when needed." Okay, Okay, I even make myself want to vomit.
I followed their buls**t rules and stayed single cuz I wasn't scripturally divorced for 6 years. And then, I was the one to finally break that "bond". I was in my twenties, my "worldly" husband walked out, and there was NO WaY I could ask him about his freaking sex life. I didn't want to know about it, and even I recognized that, even though I hated him, it was out-of-bounds to actually ask him.
I remember too, most of the friends were very kind--I truly am not a hater. But a few would almost gleefully remind me that I wasn't free. It used to really piss me off too. One brother got flirtatious with me, and I warned him that I was not free (interesting word). HE SAID, "You just need to give a brother a chance!" I was baffled. My mind had closed down so much, that it was several years later that I realized he was saying it was a bulls--t rule he was willing to break. AHHH, the missed opportunities. LOL
Add to that the fact that WTS org teaches that women whose dresses are not at least to their knees are asking for 'trouble'
Audre, I totally got that just from this article. It was horrible enough, but the blame they laid on the women. OH, and the blame on "WOMANKIND", cuz after all, women were most involved in raising boys, so really, they were raising them to be rapists. And what was that about
Especially and specifically blameworthy are those female relatives, such as an aunt or even a mother, who have used boys as sexual playthings,
WTF is that about? Was this common? OMG (if I had one) and not ONE MENTION of the fathers. So, did molested children carry blame too, cuz they were overwhelmed with authority and strength, and they didn't scream? this is not the only article I read, but I am just sickened. When I think of the pain---it just makes me want to cry. And I know they NEVER apologized for the pain caused by such evil policies---they just revealed the new light,old light,newlight,oldlight,newlight--and moved on until the light changed again.
A bit OT, one thing that has really surprised me on this board, is how many are keeping up the pretense to keep their families whole. It makes sense now, but I never imagined it really happened. I think about ones that would just look through me when I talked about spiritual things. I never understood. They'd leave and wait in their cars for their families to finish visiting. Now I understand. Their families were held hostage, and this is the only way for them to keep it all together. I deeply respect this peeps. Their sacrifice is profound. I am no longer even able to enter--and yet they enter and suffer for something more important.