That's why my focus was to the gossip aspect of this topic. I'm bored with the other aspect and I have a right to put my focus where I want it.
This ain't no kingdom hall.
Mrs. Jones,
I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to push you to change your focus. I was just explaining myself, so it didn't sound like I was getting upset over a stranger's situation, which I thought maybe you were saying. This topic will be discussed back and forth forever, but see, this is the very first time I've ever been free to discuss it. So, I jumped on the opportunity. Like you say, this ain't no kingdom hall.
Anyway, I wasn't trying to be critical--furthest thing from my mind. Since I'm weighing in for the first time on this taboo topic, I didn't want to be misunderstood. One day I'll tire of the topic, and then I'll just skip the posts, but today, I just want to finally be able to speak freely.