HI! Welcome to the forum. I'm 20. Still stuck in. Raised a witness. A simlar story to yours. You may have seen it whilst lurking. Anyways...well if you put the word "stumbling" into picture form, you can just imagine someone just waltzing along, no problems, and then something in the road just trips them up causing the to almost fall over. So somehow, by talking to this study, you may have caused someone's spirituality to be thrown out of wack. Hard to imagine, I know.
But thinking about it STRICTLY from the JW point of view: It's understandable why talking to a non-baptized person is highly looked down upon, especially since you are baptized yourself. One thing my parents always told me(as well as the YPA book) is the when you date, that means you are ready to get married. And when someone at the KH talks to a member of the opposite sex rather frequently, it often seen as dating. Think about it....your a 25 yr old, single man, talking to the same good-looking woman often. Not much to decipher there. Even if your conversations aren't romantic, people tend to jump to conclusions. Not just JW's...that's just how people are.
Your a baptized guy. She's not. If by chance, you DID get married, how would it work out? (Mind you, this is only from what others in the congreagation may be thinking.) Since your baptized, you would have one set of goals, and she would have another. You said it yourself, your not sure what her baptismal goals are. Baptized and un-batized mates hardly ever work out. One usually drags down the other. And the JW's know that. Which is probably why someone took notice and spoke up. The JW's are very nice people. Many are only looking out for what they feel are your best interests(even if you don't want them to). I'm in a different situation but I DO know the feeling. :)
NO she isn't in there to lure me away. Poor girl is actually really into this stuff. She has morals and her exact words were "I'm so glad to have found a religion where everyone else has them, too."
Note that finding a religion with morals is different that a belief system. She may love the morals and all, but what will happen when she REALLY finds out everythings else involved with being a baptized member of the JW. Having to believe EVERY teaching to the letter. No straying whatsoever or suffer the harsh consequences. Being judged if near every waking hour and free moment isn't being spent in FS. If you wish to find out....talk to her and see just how much she know about the depth of it all.
whats the worst that can happen to me if I brush off the ridiculous counselling and go on talking to this girl?
One of the things i've been doing recently with my problem in order to avoid added priveleges and responsibilities but still remaing in and avoid watchful eyes is this: Follow some cousel and not others. Not this is just my advice based on what I can see here. I'm not sure how the rest of your JW life is. How are your FS hours? How's your association? What "assignments" do you have? But regardless. you must make a decision based on what you really want. If you want out of the religion ASAP and have a means to do so, but still can't because of friends and family, just stay under the radar. Don't make it too obvious at the meetings if your trying to avoid heartache from "friends" and family. BUT, if your TRYING to make a bad impression without being too obvious, just continue to talk to her at the meetings.The worst that can happen? The elders talk to you again using words such as "disobedient", "stubborn", "unwise", etc. You may have half the congregation "counselling " you. idk. It's not a disfellowshippable(is that even a word?) offense or a sin unless you have sex with her or something. So keep that in mind
Best wishes to you. Hope everything works out for the best! I know how hard it is... :)