When I graduated high school in the late 80s, and despite being asked multiple times by the high school guidance counselor to PLEASE go to college, I didn't.
I still remember having a meeting with my parents, me and the GC. My parents were well armed with WT "proof" that the end of the system would be here in mere months!!!!! The GC just told them to send me to college as a back up plan, and they said that would show lack of faith. He tried everything. He hit a brick wall.
I got tattled on by an elder's daughter while looking in the college computers in the Library at school, I was going to secretly apply to the University of Hawaii...subconcious desire to get away from that shit.
After that, every move was watched to make sure I didn't take any steps to get to college. I should have waited till I turned 18, and walked into the local USMC recruiting station and offered myself up as a sacrificial lamb to the US Armed Forces.
Instead, I did what JWs are trained to do. I doubted myself, and my gut instincts, and I stayed in that miserable JW environment for 5 years.