I'm glad too it ended on a good note for us. Thank you. I look forward to getting to know you.
Although I'm on my way to bed now, I'll just make a couple of brief comments. I will try to catch up tomorrow although it's a holiday for us and I've plans.
My position is that when a hot-button issue such as pedophilia is on the tip of everyone's tongue....the pressure is on you to moderate those issues with a heavier hand.
As you know from emails I've privately written you, I'm not campaigning for Fred's return. I am aware that you get many emails, and am not pressuring you to respond. I know you'll respond when you're able.
Simon I'm not saying either way Fred or NYT should have/should have not been deactivated. You and Dubla are the only ones I've shared a certain theory with, and if you re-read my emails you'll see why.
This post was NOT about Fred or Jesika, they just (unfortunately for Jesika)represent the topic.
It is the responsiblity of the community of posters at large not to put more pressure on you to moderate certain hot-button topics.
As for this topic being "discussed to death," I already mentioned I went on vacation a day or two after it happened. I'm just now giving it some thought after reading certain posts. Those posts did not state my opinion, so I made my own. I wasn't aware that just because something had "previously been discussed" it was considered case closed.
Little Witch made bitchy, attackingremarks to me. (followed by Valis') I don't feel that saying, "I've never posted before" and then saying, "Well yes I did, are you satisfied?" is a "minor inconsistency."
I'm NOT LABELING LW a troll. Yet, this is some of the exact behavior we've seen from trolls in the past. I don't like it, it isn't honest or fair.
Trying to give the impression that you are "impartial" because you are a "newbie" then admitting.....well, you've been around for months. C'mon, now! It may have been unintentional, but minor it wasn't.
Always been Lisa Class
Whoops, I just hit my limit of 30. I hope this goes through...
Edited to finish my thought and fix my formatting....
Edited by - LDH1 on 2 September 2002 3:26:5