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JoinedPosts by honorsthesis
University student's JW based honors thesis research. PLEASE HELP!
by honorsthesis in
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
University student's JW based honors thesis research. PLEASE HELP!
by honorsthesis in
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
You have a PM blondie
University student's JW based honors thesis research. PLEASE HELP!
by honorsthesis in
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
I am stuck at 90!!! :(
Blind Allegiance to G.B. supported by scripture?
by honorsthesis inhey everyone,.
i have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body.
i feel that jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular g.b.
Excellent scriptual reference, Ding! (Duet. 18:21-22)
I am def. writing that one in at the back of my Bible. That is exaclty the type of analysis I was looking for. I hope to one day be as knowledgable about the Bible as many here.
Blind Allegiance to G.B. supported by scripture?
by honorsthesis inhey everyone,.
i have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body.
i feel that jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular g.b.
Some on this site have been a pleasure and very helpful and provided insightful feedback..
..others seem motivated simply to instigate and stir up trouble..
why? ugh.
Blind Allegiance to G.B. supported by scripture?
by honorsthesis inhey everyone,.
i have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body.
i feel that jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular g.b.
Your paranoia is no longer amusing...just annoying.
And I sent you that PM asking you not to comment on my threads because all you do is side-track the topic with the same old rhetoric questioning who I am...EVERYTIME!
I understand you have taken a personal vendetta against me since I will not give you the password to my research survey which has my listed credentials, but really...give it a is getting old.
This is getting to be borderline harrassment.
Blind Allegiance to G.B. supported by scripture?
by honorsthesis inhey everyone,.
i have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body.
i feel that jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular g.b.
"I refuse to share the blood guilt and will not preach things I know to be questionable or false"
This is EXACTLY how I feel. Thank you for your thoughts.
Thanks everyone else too for your insight! The best way to "debate" with the brothers though is to back it up with scripture. So the more suggested scriptures the better!
For those who suggest I simply leave the organization, everyone here must know it is much more difficult than that. In addition, when I am not in discussion/debate with brothers and sisters about the aspects of "the truth" that I find questionable, I do feel "good" being around them, and I know their intentions are good.
Also, many of the JW's foundational beliefs I DO agree with (..or maybe it's just because I have done more research on the topics?) such as the trinity falsehood and a paradise earth and the lack of a fiery hell.
My main issue with JW's is the one I have begun this thread about (authority of the GB)...and 1914, and maybe the blood issue.
Blind Allegiance to G.B. supported by scripture?
by honorsthesis inhey everyone,.
i have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body.
i feel that jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular g.b.
Hey everyone,
I have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body. I feel that Jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular G.B. mandate if our bible-trained conscience says otherwise.
I presented the brothers with the following hypothetical:
Say the year is 1995. At that moment in time, as we know, the G.B. posited that the "generation" of 1914 would not entirely pass away before the end came. Now say your bible-trained conscience couldn't swallow that explaination. Say that, based on your personal relationship with Jehovah and study of the scriptures, you submit that the G.B.'s "generation" teaching is flat-out wrong and does not originate with God. Are we still required to follow that teaching even if we know that it is wrong.
The response is always:
Yes. Even if the G.B. is in error, we most always follow the G.B. because they are appointed and directed by Jesus. If they err, it will be corrected with time. (then they usually parallel the situation to scriptures in the Bible about how when Moses was appointed by God to lead the people to the promised land, he erred, but if those following had abandoned him because of Moses error and followed their own individual lead, they wouldn't have made it to the promised land)
Seeking your help:
Since many of you on here are well-versed and much more knowledgable about the Bible than I am, what are some good (and credible, not emtional outbursts of 'the WT is trash!') counter arguments to the above scenerio. I always like I John 4:1 which urges us to "test the expired expression".
Basically, what are some good scriptural references or WT references which encourage followers of God NOT to blindly follow.
Thanks, everyone!
My article on Russia's ban of JW's
by honorsthesis ini am a columinst for cornell university's "the diplomacist".
i recently wrote an article on the various troubles jehovah's witnesses are facing in russia.
i try to make the point that, even if you do not support the witnesses (and most don't) you should support freedom of thought, expression and religion.. if you are interested in checking it out, here it is: "snuffing out religious freedom in russia".
I understand that the "slippery slope theory" is indeed a logical fallacy. But that is immaterial. When dealing with social actors with imperfect information and illogical emotions and passions, their actions can often not be explained by reason or logic.
It was not logical for the Wehrmacht to continue to push into Russia in 1941. Many decisions in history have been made outside the paradigm of logic. When assessing what governments will, or will not do, is not confined to strictly logical analysis.
I think DT and others made an excellent point. If you want to diminsh the influence or population of JW's in your country, best to do it with financial policies. Going for the throat, and simply outright banishing them makes the Witnesses martyrs and only reinvogorates the movement.
The best strategy is to allow the WT organization in Russia to eliminate itself. It may take time, and is a slower process, but it will reap greater and more permanent benefits from the Russian government's perspective.
Of course, I do not condone the above policy perscriptions. I am simply agreeing with DT that IF the Russian government really wanted to secure a future absent Jehovah's Witnesses...the above financial chokehold would be the best way to do it...IMO.
I do not see how I have "bragged" about my work. I agree, publishing on the internet invites criticism. But as a long-standing Jehovah's Witness, I have first hand experience of what it feels like to have a lording authority suppress all and any criticism. It is not healthy. Criticism is how any subject grows.
I have appreciated everyone's comments. I posted the article to gain everyone's insights, not to seek unwarranted praise. As a student, I strive to continually become a better writer, researcher, and analyzer in all aspects.
I hope a lively discussion will continue to blossom.
My article on Russia's ban of JW's
by honorsthesis ini am a columinst for cornell university's "the diplomacist".
i recently wrote an article on the various troubles jehovah's witnesses are facing in russia.
i try to make the point that, even if you do not support the witnesses (and most don't) you should support freedom of thought, expression and religion.. if you are interested in checking it out, here it is: "snuffing out religious freedom in russia".
I appreciate everyone reading my article and offering a wide-array of feedback!
A lot of your criticisms are unquestionably valid concerns, and I enjoy reading perspectives I have not previously taken into consideration.
I have just finished a long day of class and studying, it's now 4:16 am, so I am simply too tired to address many of you right now...but tomorrow I will.
Any other criticisms, commendations, or feedback in general is welcome!