uh, thought Dubs weren't supposed to play football...
Posts by bafh
Terrible Analogy at a Convention
by ApostateDance ini'd love to know what you guys think of this.
brother jackson (from the governing body) had this "neat" analogy at the very end of the convention.
he said; "what if you were watching a football game on tv, and it was the trojans against the fighting irish, and it's been a good game.
by breakfast of champions inoh gosh, i could be opening up a can of worms with this one, but.. what the hell!.
it seems to me that there is a disproportionate amount of jws who are involved in kinesiology or hk (health kinesiology).
i mean, if i asked the average guy or gal where i worked if putting a crystal on your bellybutton, moving your arm up and down and charging $100 to cure your ills made any sense they would say, hell no!.
I've had kinesiology, it worked for me. In my research, it is very similar to acupuncture, acupressure and other types of eastern medicine. All of those methods work with a body's energy in a way that Western medicine doesn't address. I actually had the opposite thought, most of the JWs I know would think it is demonic, so I never mentioned it unless someone else did first. And even then, depending on the crowd I was in, rarely admitted having it done.
Recent Letter to Witness Friends and Family
by sabastious inhaven't sent this yet: might not, but i think it would help people here:.
to all my family members and friends of the jehovahs witnesses.
for the past year and a half i have been deeply immersing myself in the community which you refer to as the apostates: the ex jehovahs witness community.
depends on your intention - if you want people to get your message, you'll have to write it in a way they can receive it. As it stands I would tell you not to waste the energy sending it since most of the people you send it to will not read it past the first paragraph.
~ bafh
Ive come so far but I cant move on - WHY NOT??
by GoingGoingGone inhi everyone, i havent been here for a while but i do pop in and read whenever i can.
the economic downturn has left my jw husband with much less work which means hes home a lot, which means little jwn-time for me :( so many new ones here!
I'm going through the same process in some ways. I'm not married, and own my own business [work from home] - I need to be with more people. It is funny to me though, because the JWs who talk to me now are the same ones who talked to me when I attended the meetings. No love lost there. Meetings for me were not a social support in very many ways because I didn't fit the mould of what a single woman should look like. I didn't pioneer, I wasn't struggling financially, I was ambitious with my own business, I wasn't pining for a man, and I was smarter than almost everyone I met. I'm not bragging in any way - but those were and are the facts of my life.
I went through a time where I tried to just stay to myself. It didn't work out too well. So now, like you I go to Meetup.com events which I'm enjoying a lot. If it causes you too much grief to join those events without your husband, can you do things while he is at work?? You can start your own meetup group, or suggest meetups during the day while he is at work. Doing some volunteering during the day would A) get you out of the house and around people and B) Get him used to the idea that you do things without him while he is at work. It could be something simple like volunteering to help kids learn to read at a school or volunteer with an organization that supports people with cancer.
I've been going to some meetups, and it is sort of awkward or uncomfortable at first. But, the whole purpose of the meetup is to meet new people based on common interests. People are generally friendly, nice, and introduce themselves easily. So far, I've two super nice people who have initiated being friends with me. Feels good.
You've got lots of options. Take it step by step. Oh, and keep up the therapy. I'm doing it now, and it's a bugger, but I believe that people heal through listening. Your therapist should be there to listen to you. And, if something itsn't working, let them know. It's their job to help you figure out how to make it work.
We're all rooting for you!!
Your best one sentence JW comeback contest
by moshe ini am looking for your best jw comeback- the kind that makes a jw's jaw drop.
ok, even two pithy sentences will do.. here's one i have used before on jws,.
moshe: " do you know what an oxymoron is?
If God wants to kill me because I don't attend meetings, I'm fine with that.
I'm at a loss here
by sabastious inmy little 23 year old brother and his wife have been living with my wife and i, and our infant, for a few months now.
it has been a good bonding experience for all of us, at least it was on my end.. my little brother is in a band.
they travel all around the surrounding areas and play a mix between punk and 60s surf rock.
Time to call social services. Someone needs to step up for the children in the house and draw some boundaries.
I've called social services - your report is anonymous. Give them specific information. They will do a welfare check. At the very least it will alert the adults in the home how serious it is that that kind of activity is going on and that they need to step it up and make sure the children are safe.
To our fading and in-suffering friends, status report please
by Mad Sweeney inif you're still in for the sake of others, how's it going?
what specific plan are you working on to get your loved ones out so you can leave, too?
how is that plan progressing?
I think it's all about what is right FOR YOU. It appears that many here didn't have the choice to fade. If you have the choice, and you are not trying to make a point to someone by DA yourself, then why crap in your own nest? Seems by fading, some have succeeded in accomplishing their need to escape out of the Org, while at the same time they have been able to maintain some normal relationship with those persons important to them who are still "in".
If it works for YOU, why care what anyone else thinks.
"Inauthentic"? That sounds like someone trying to manipulate you into making choices that you don't want to make.
Thanks DOC for your comments. I am one of those people who want to escape the ORG but maintain my family/friends relationships. You see who your true friends are if they still talk to you after you stop attending. I don't feel I'm being inauthentic. For me, that would be continuing to go even though I am miserable just to please someone else. I also know that fading is a process, and that attending and being miserable to please someone else is part of that. At this point, I'm beyond doing that - so for me, simply not going is authentic. I don't feel the need to criticize or critque - because frankly I don't care enough to think about it. I think that is MY authentic truth. To those still "in": May the FADE be with you....
To our fading and in-suffering friends, status report please
by Mad Sweeney inif you're still in for the sake of others, how's it going?
what specific plan are you working on to get your loved ones out so you can leave, too?
how is that plan progressing?
I'm fading. It's been nearly 2 years since I've been to a meeting not counting the Memorial or funerals. I plan on going to the Memorial again this year - although it will be out of town.
I own a small business and travel a lot, plus I've been going through a depression and having some physical problems. So, all of that has made it easier to not go. I did have a conversation with my mom a few months ago that I'm just emotionally tired, and right now - I just don't care. Which is true. I'm not angry with the WTBS, or with anyone associated with it - I don't feel any obligation to "get people out" because I don't feel it is my right to interfere with their choice in worship. I'm also sort of on the fence about some things - the WTBS COULD be right about some things - who am I to say? I don't agree with their methods, and I can't take the constant talk about how everyone is going to die, and how awful everything is, but at the same time I don't have the emotional energy to make a decision about much of anything either. I guess I don't care if they are right or not.
I have a little nephew that I'm really close to - and basically he is the reason I'm not more forthright with my views. I am not attending meetings, but I don't throw what I think in other people's faces either. I'm careful about what I say especially to my brother (nephew's dad) so that I'm not suddenly considered "dangerous." - it may happen anyway, but I'm not doing anything to give them reason to think that. I do have one friend who still thinks maybe I'll come back to meetings when I feel better. I haven't been straight out with her about not going back. She will figure it out soon enough.
I am working on building a life outside, slowly but surely it is happening. I've started dating (sort of tough at almost 40!), and have starts to good friendships with some of the people I've worked with as clients. I do think a successful transition must include friends outside - it can be devestatingly lonely without them. I've started going to different Meetup groups in my area, which is a great casual way to meet new people who share a common interest. I most often attend photography groups.
I had a friend tell me that I should be more bold - more authentic - about my stance. So I'd like feed back about that. Is fading inauthentic? I would argue that it is a process, and that if I'm not attending meetings, that is a pretty authentic move. I don't feel like I have to be in their face about what I think or don't think in order to be authentic. My actions speak for themselves, right?
Unbelieveable Bethel Talk-'Are you being brainwashed?'
by Joliette in...cause surely, friends, were not brainwashing you!.
I didn't last past the speakers heavy sigh into the microphone, the repetition of his theme and the question "what will my persecution be?"....ugh.
I did think it was really funny though that the website had an advertisment for numerology and Thai girls on it....way to go! Maybe we can work a deal and get a two-fer.
The Danger of Credulous Research of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet
by Spade inhttp://www.watchtower21.org/2011/02/danger-of-naive-and-credulous-research.html.
it's been my experience so far, that anything a person wants to find out about jehovahs witnesses, they can find out from jehovahs witnesses.
any and all information ever published by jehovah witnesses is accessible to all.
" The abuse of alcohol is condemned in Jehovah's Organization and this fact can be ascertained by getting to know them as individuals."
uh, some of the biggest alcoholics and alcohol abusers I know are JWs. It's the only "legal" vice they have besides coffee and food. They have a reputation for heavy drinking and gluttony. Anyone else notice how many severely obese people are sitting on the floor in wheel chairs or lawn chairs at the conventions?? They even made a resolution one year at the end of the convention that we wouldn't be gluttons.
yeah, sure. whatever .