Here's my situation:
I haven't attended meeting regularly in over 2 years. I do however still attend the Memorial. I'm a 5th generation born-in. I live in a neighborhood with over 10 JW families who live closeby.
So the advice I gave above is what is currently working for me: I don't answer the door, give a phone number I never answer....I am out of town for work. I'm friendly, loving and kind to JWs when I see or talk to them. I don't answer any questions direct or indirect.
So far, it has worked. I haven't been contacted for any elder's meetings. If they've watched my home, I have not been aware of it - but I have also not done anything at my own home I wouldn't want to get caught at. I've been very discreet.
I realize that not everyone would tolerate living in this way - but for me - I appreciate the freedom from the meetings and the ability to still communicate with my family - it works.
This process is so individual that I don't think we can lay out a right or wrong way to do it - too many variables. Do what works for you with the amount of stress or discomfort that you are willing to tolerate.
Say as little as possible. Be loving and kind, and as real as you can without giving yourself up.
good luck. Let us know how it goes.