Just don't be the annoying kind that makes meat eaters feel defensive. I cannot STAND that. And don't be like a typical C.O. or D.O. with a funky diet that your friends always have to accomodate. If you go to someone's house, bring your own veggies--don't make the host feel obligated to cook 2 meals (one just for you and another for everyone else). I have a few JW relatives who are "vocal vegetarians" (all of them female) and my mom is rather irritated by them. She swears it's because JW women are treated so crappily in the bOrg that vocal vegetarianism is one area where they can feel like they have some sense of control. You know the kind I'm talking about--we all know people like that. I call them the "look at ME!" vegetarians. And I'd like to punch each one in the jaw.
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Flirting with going Vegetarian, anyone of you ever graduate from simply thinking about it?
by Theocratic Sedition init's just a thought right now, but one of those thoughts where i have that itch.
it's that same itch felt before i purchase something major.
i'm just wondering what i might be getting into based upon others experiences in this regard.
Flirting with going Vegetarian, anyone of you ever graduate from simply thinking about it?
by Theocratic Sedition init's just a thought right now, but one of those thoughts where i have that itch.
it's that same itch felt before i purchase something major.
i'm just wondering what i might be getting into based upon others experiences in this regard.
I did it in 7th grade. And I'll be honest, I did it 100% for the attention, not for health or animal rights reasons. I just wanted to be noticed. After a few months, I passed out in choir class and my Dr determined that I was anemic. If you do this, make sure you get enough iron.
My Dad Said He Loved Me
by cognac inhe's said it before, but, it was different this time.
his dad just died and i know there are parts about me that are the exact replica of him and grandpa.
him and gramp had a falling out cause of the jw religion.. anyways, i had the funny feeling that my dad has been looking at things differently lately, but, i know he won't say much cause he's in way too deep at this point.. he came up to me the other night, and said he really loved me.
Thanks for this story. I love it. It give me hope about my situation. You're very fortunate!
Can an inactive one be DFed?
by Eustace inon another thread somebody wrote:.
i was df'd about a month ago and when it happened, i cried.
i'm not sure why, i certainly don't believe one crumb of what they teach anymore, and i had been inactive for two years.. .
I belive it's a matter of time before they make a policy to DF or preemptively shun faded or inactive ones. They can lump it under "brazen."
Mark my words: In 2 year's time, we will see noo lite on this. They'll use that "rules, guidelines and principles" reasoning to invoke preshunning on anyone who's inactive more than 3-6 months. They'll put some kind of clause in it, of course, like: "Would it be wise for true christians to continue associating with fellow brothers and sisters who have become inactive or avoided congregation meetings after elders have made attempts to reach out to them?"
It's just a matter of time. Our friends and family still inside will "apply" the new point and begin the snubbing. Or we may begin receiving a lot of "mom guilt emails" because they will have been encouraged to make one last attempt to get us reactivated. If we're not receptive, they'll be encouraged to treat us like "goats" or "weeds." Trust me. The GB will take things into their own hands and attempt a pre-judgment sorting and separating work. They'll have to. This fading thing is driving them crazy. With one or 2 powerful guilt trips in a WT article, they can issue a command and the R&F will react just like trained dobermans.
A big shift in the world is about to happen......
by EndofMysteries ini don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Have you been listening to that Lindsey Williams guy? This sounds like one of his "Folks, you're not gonna believe this... what I'm about to tell ya... i beg of you, folks..." tirades.
This is vague. Anything can happen in 2-3 months (war involving Iran/Israel, another major natural disaster, another terror attack...). Anything. And all you have to do is wait for it, come back on here and claim that you knew about it before it happened. As a natural skeptic, I have to ask what your motive is for starting this thread in the first place.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Ok. So we're cool then, yes?
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
BTW: Being a plumber doesn't subract from Susskind's credentials. Remember, Einstein turned the world of physics upside down when he submitted his Theory of Relativity and another paper explaining Brownian motion to the science journal "Annalen der Physik." He was working as a lowly clerk in a patent office. In other words, these great breakthroughs were written when he was a nobody and he did them, get this... on his free time.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Keep in mind, in the world of academia and science, these guys have to "publish or perish." It's dog-eat-dog, every man for himself. To have findings published, your papers must be subject to extensive peer review and believe me, "peer" is a nice way of saying "other guys in your field who are dying to prove you wrong so they can advance." That's what makes science so trustworthy. People can't just say stuff. Or wing a paper and claim a new discovery. It's a bloody battle and people can get nasty. That ensures that any new knowledge added to these journals is refined, accurate and extremely reliable until another better equipped and smarter guy or gal comes along with new data that forces a change in understanding.
(wouldn't it be nice to see this method applied for all articles published by the writing committee at WT?)
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
It's not impossible... you'd just need an anti-gravity generator to squish space time in front of the ship and stretch it out behind the ship---which physics proves would require energy equal to the output of an entire star's lifetime! People don't just make this stuff up out of thin air, Elderelite! "Theory" is often misunderstood as "hunch." In science, the word "theory" basically means "facts as observed now until newly discovered data requires an adjustment." Granted, much of these ideas cannot be tested on a macro level. But small observations in tests with subatomic particles confirm the mathematical predictions made by physicists. They also disprove a great deal and when that happens, no one gets upset. They're happy to have more work to do.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Read his book. He talks all about it. Hawking later corrected himself as other scientists jumped on Susskind's bandwagon [They even had a couple of cute bets arranged (for $1 and another for a baseball encyclopedia)].
Hawking claimed that information is lost forever upon entry into a black hole. Susskind argued that information cannot be destroyed, it must be conserved, otherwise all physical laws are in danger. Eventually, Hawking conceded and thus arose the idea of Hawking Radiation. It balanced the problem of information loss.
Basically, information in the tiniest meaningful quantity is on the Planck scale. All "information" of matter can be broken down into these Planck-sized bits. Susskind showed that particles entering black holes encounter a strange world where 2 different outcomes become reality. One outcome is that the particle is destroyed forever. However, for observers outside the black hole, another equally true state of reality is that the particle becomes evenly dispersed across the surface area of the black hole in broken planck-sized bits. One "reality" is destruction, the "other reality" is the surface area of the black hole expanding with the addition of each particle. Both realities for one particle are true and exist simultaneously. It's weird, but his book explains it a lot better than I can.