"...so you can stop the RUMORS about you"?????
OMG, doesn't she realize that's one of the main reasons people leave? To get away from the backstabbing, slander and hateful gossip??? And because THEY can't keep their mouths shut about you, it's somehow YOUR JOB to "stop" them???
I'll never miss it. Ever! The idea of spending eternity on the same planet with these people---UGHHH!!! TAKE A F###ING HINT, "Sister," how can I be expected to share forever with people like YOU when I can't even tolerate a 2-hour meeting with you?
"are you still my brother..." GOD that pisses me off. 100% loaded language and passive-aggressive guilt tripping. I'm seriously going to puke if I don't stop dwelling on this. I'da looked her dead in the eyes and said, "Apparently, I never WAS your brother. Anyway, I gotta scoot...You enjoy growing old in satan's system with your horrible, horrible friends and no 401K."