Wow, Megotan...
That's rough, but good for you. That took a lot of courage. I just sent you a PM yesterday but much of it may be obsolete now.
im on my phone, so im really limited.
i came out to my family about my doubts and my sexuality.
shit hit the fan.
Wow, Megotan...
That's rough, but good for you. That took a lot of courage. I just sent you a PM yesterday but much of it may be obsolete now.
after several months of leaving the meetings as soon as they ended or only staying for "the first meeting" then leaving the "second part", the elders finally cornered me at last night's meeting.. they said they were concerned about me and that being that i am a young brother in a recently divided congregation they saw so much potential in me to help out the congregation and become a ms.. i told them i was thankful for their thinking of me to help the congregation but that at the moment i could not due to my job.
then the began asking personal questions that got on my nerves.. they asked where i worked and how much i made.
they asked if i was going to college and what i was studying and for how long.
Wow. What are your current circumstances? Is a fade possible?
so, if the current gb is this "faithful and discreet slave" and they place greater emphasis on 1919 now, are they saying that only a few anointed christians were selected in the 1st century, followed by nearly 2000 years of no selections and starting around 1914-1919, the selection of the rest of the 144,000 resumed?.
if so, this is an easy explanation for the increase in numbers of partakers since 2008. have they gone right out and said this officially or have they only alluded to it up to now?.
also, the original understanding was this "shut door" policy of 1935. i never understood how they arrived at that year.
So, if the current GB is this "faithful and discreet slave" and they place greater emphasis on 1919 now, are they saying that only a few anointed christians were selected in the 1st century, followed by nearly 2000 years of no selections and starting around 1914-1919, the selection of the rest of the 144,000 resumed?
If so, this is an easy explanation for the increase in numbers of partakers since 2008. Have they gone right out and said this officially or have they only alluded to it up to now?
Also, the original understanding was this "shut door" policy of 1935. I never understood how they arrived at that year. Was 1935 based on scripture or did Rutherford/Knorr just pull that out of their asses? I have a feeling that additional "noo lite" will come out in 2013 that officially redacts the 1935 teaching.
Or has this already happened? Have I missed something?
i was thinking about this today, many of the things i was told.
about life was a lie.
we were duped by the wt and by religion as.
I think explaining critical thinking methods is the most important skill set. Not only can it inoculate you from heavy indoctrination, it can protect you from falling for all kinds of scams: commercial, new age, conspiracy theory, etc.
Sadly, critical thinking skills are not taught in public schools and inside groups like the JWs, "independent thinking" is boldly vilified. If young people knew what logical fallacies were and how to identify them, I think that would help them tremendously.
all documents of important nature such as, our kingdom ministry, boe letters, forms, or other materials will now be sent only by email or private message communications.
they will not be posted out here on the board.
if someone else wants to post them, be my guest.. .. we have no other choice in this matter, and sending out confidential documents is better when it is done privately.
Yes, please include me on PMs.
i saw this video today.
i never visit rick's creepy web site, but it looks like "johnny" recently shared some more incredible information from inside headquarters.
this guy made a video perpetuating the rumor.
He makes a reference to "Johnny" as his source in the comment section under the video. *Sigh* This just makes us all look bad.
i saw this video today.
i never visit rick's creepy web site, but it looks like "johnny" recently shared some more incredible information from inside headquarters.
this guy made a video perpetuating the rumor.
I saw this video today. I never visit Rick's creepy web site, but it looks like "Johnny" recently shared some more incredible information from inside headquarters. This guy made a video perpetuating the rumor. Has anyone seen this yet?
I love the name, El Guapo! 3 Amigos fan, here! lol
"we should be mindful".
Here is a list of single words and phrases that always made me cringe. No one else uses these words in everyday language:
use discernment
warm (our/your) heart
yes... (i sat through many hundreds of talks where the speaker began 70% of his sentences with "yes, blah blah bla...)
undeserved kindness
faithful obedience
many people... (every suggested presentation contained this phrase)
TRUE christians
praise jah
child rearing
loving counsel
please stand if you're able
adroitly, hillock, pall, braying (and other occasional "vocab words" thrown into a random article or book study intended to solidify the myth the R&F have about how intelligent and special the "slave class" is for using words we had to look up because we were too stoopid to know their meaning; and also to give the die-hards the opportunity to boast their faithfulness and loyalty by showing how diligently they prepared by saying, "I had to look up this word in the dictionary and it's defined as...")
falls to (as in, "the hall cleaning privilage this week falls to the so-and-so book study...)
god's word
your ministry
torture stake
sacred poles
blood guilty
! (the over-used exclamation point felt like a cult leader was screaming from the pages)
new order
reasonableNESS (just say "reason." it's the same goddam thing--why so many suffixes?)
we are but grasshoppers (usually said by old-timers during a closing prayer, making the kids think, "WTF?")
ORAL review (...more like anal review)
your mate (say spouse! jesus christ, we're not apes or australians!)
welcome to the ranks (a phrase used by many COs at "piosneer-only" meetings)
do we not... (just say "don't we!" any time "do we not..." came from the platform, that was a cue to follow with obligatory applause to show conformity)
we (this inclusive collective pronoun is always used and works quite handily in groupthink cult speech.)
true christians would/wouldn't... (again, a clever manipulative tool any time rules were laid down in the WT. rather than saying, "this is forbidden" or "don't do this," the inclusive, collective noun is given preceded by the qualifier "true." implying, if you don't agree with the statement, you are not a true christian. this subtle approach is their way of telling you what you think.)
And here's a list of words I always HATED in their songs:
"bees that were molested" followed by "beat them off" a few lines later
master trod
kiss the son
haaaaaa.....PENISSSS (when "happiness" was at the end of the stanza, my kid sister and I always used to sing the last half of the word nice and loud lol)
vigor and vim
make the truth your own (the WORST song to have at the end of a Thursday night meeting when it's late, you're tired, you have school or work the next day or maybe have to stay late because your dad has an elders meeting and you have to muddle through this 4-stanza, 2-page earworm that plays in your head over and over again the rest of the night).
so one of the things both me and my wife are faced with is breaking the news that we've stopped going to meetings to our parents.
my wifes parents could go either way, they have made several critical remarks of the wt over the years, while my parents are die hard jw's.
i tossed the idea around of sending a letter or doing a phone call or just not saying anything.. we've decided that were just tired of having to hide our true feelings and play pretend.
By the way, I posted a similar thread last week asking a similar question:
Should I send a point-by-point packet to my family explaining my answers to questions I know they have but are too timid to ask? The responses I received from other members on this thread gave me pause and I have abandoned that idea entirely. It could come across as a "force feeding" and raise alarm that otherwise would never be raised. I'm going to continue the slow spoon-feeding method... as difficult as it is. Fortunately for me, I have an awesome family. I don't want to lose them over something as ridiculous as a difference in beliefs. On the other hand, some of my friends have horrible family relationships and have nothing to lose with the bold approach method.
If your parents are just awful people anyway, then go balls out!