I'm in the anger phase of my exit so this kinda stuff really pisses me off when I see it. They make authoritarian decisions on stuff like this--without any scriptural basis at all--then claim that they're not prophets. Look: it's either one or the other, @$$holes!
The best thing the GB could've done is this JW dot TV bull$#!+.
now that the R&F see them in action on a regular basis (hell... even putting a name to the face is a huge change), they'll start to see how human they really are. Then when they come across random doctrinal decisions like this or noo lite, they'll think to themselves, "now wait a minute... type/antitype is no longer? gog of magog ain't who I was told it was all thru those laborious wt study articles of the 80s? Says WHO---that ghastly rubber-faced clown with the Marshall Applewhite eyes? Or that megalomaniacal sociopathic misanthrope who's pissed off he gets a throbbing chubby every time he sees a hot bethelite in tight pants? F**k this $#!+... I quit!"