You cannot enter a mormon temple unless you've had your "endowment" and that ceremony is usually a Mormon's first exposure to it. You get your patriarchal blessing, do the cleansing and vail ceremony where you learn your "spiritual name" and a special handshake. A lotta masonic-like ritual. It is a goal for all super-mormons to have a "temple wedding." That's like, an ultimate badge of honor. Any non-mormon relatives or mormons who have not received endowments yet are not allowed inside for the temple wedding ceremony.
Temples are regional, like circuit assemblies for JWs. Their local congregations are in buildings called Wards. I believe they have zones instead of circuits, bishops instead of "annointed" or "GB" and "general conference" instead of conventions. If you'd like more info on Mormons, there's an excellent atheist podcast put up by 2 ex mormons from Utah called "Irreligiosophy." If you enjoy sophomoric humor and profanity, it's a great show! But they're also very well researched and I've learnd a TON about LDS! (and yes, they have 2 shows, episodes 41 and 44 about JWs).
Check it out!