JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Here's a good one the Jehovah's witnesses are worse than Nazi's
by Star tiger ini'm not sure if this is a controversial subject or not, i suspect it is, the 1936-1945 nazi regime were the most evil b*****d's in the world and thankfully were destroyed, however the jehovah's witnesses having sufffered under their rule, then became even more evil not by destroying the person's physical life, but destroying their way to god, if a person leaves then they become dead to god, and this from a second rate publishing company!
please don't think i'm being flippant about all the suffering and death the nazi's caused, but as we are most of us spiritual people, surely the witnesses caused a catastrophy in the post 1945 era.. best regards,.
star tiger .
Definition of "Negativity" according to JWs
by LongHairGal ini recently had a falling-out with a jw which i won't go into because it is nonsense really.
in one of the pathetic retorts i was told i was "negative".
this wasn't the first time i heard this from a jw over the years.. what i have noticed is that it is because i spoke about real life situations in the world and/or problems and wrong things in the religion.
A cynic is an idealist with a broken heart.
Seven Reasons Why the New iPhone Sucks
by edward612 inhttp://www.topnewsblog.info/tblog_10437.htm.
look before you leap before buying the new iphone.
this is the iphone that all of us have been waiting for.
Blackberry made my life a living HELL for a year. My GOD what a terrible device. I'd post the Youtube video of me smashing it with a hammer, but that would reveal my identity lol. I did upgrade my iPhone to the i OS5 last night and it's pretty nifty! Buuuuuut...it can't seem to recognize my wi-fi anymore :/
I have an 11:50 am appointment at the "Genius Bar" tomorrow to get it worked out. But hey, anything's better than field service!
Definition of "Negativity" according to JWs
by LongHairGal ini recently had a falling-out with a jw which i won't go into because it is nonsense really.
in one of the pathetic retorts i was told i was "negative".
this wasn't the first time i heard this from a jw over the years.. what i have noticed is that it is because i spoke about real life situations in the world and/or problems and wrong things in the religion.
One of the buzzwords I'll never miss is "upbuilding." Keep your conversations UPBUILDING, people! GEEZ! psshh!!! Yeah, right. Easy for them to say! For the average R&F Dub, life is an endless treadmill of obligation and responsibility. Just a simple sigh and a comment like "I'm so tired" would routinely get me in trouble with senior pioneers in the afternoon car groups. One time in particular, an opportunistic brother who was "weak" but put on his best performance and hurled the "you're so negative" slur at me one chilly afternoon during breaktime when I exclaimed how tired I was. Of course, he had an audience of a terrible pionsneer elder wife so he was only demonstrating his zeal at my expense.
Regardless, I'm negative and proud of it! One thing is certain: Pessimists enjoy being right more often! Pessimism and being realistic are interchangeble terms. Here, here! Raise those half-empty glasses!
Get ready - the final end of everything October 21
by wannabefree inperhaps this has already been addressed, i looked ... i thought you might want to know, not much time left ..... harold camping .... some time after being released from a nursing home in june after suffering a stroke, camping, released an audio message on family radio's website saying, "we would have not been able to be used [by god] to bring about the tremendous event that occurred on may 21 of this year, which probably [will] be finished out on oct. 21 that's coming very shortly.
that looks like it will be ... the final end of everything.".
one more time...
by mankkeli inwhere does god belief come from?
please i need constructive opinions..
Richard Dawkin's moth illustration is perfect. Check it out in the God Delusion. If you don't have it, I'll explain in a nutshell later.
Victoria, Australia: October 11th hearing. All five cases made it through the court...just!
by AndersonsInfo inthis is a preliminary summary only.
i hope to obtain more details later.. .
all five cases are still within the criminal justice system.
Also the true legal and religious identity of the "faithful and discreet slave" was revealed. (More on this development later)
HUH???? details, please!
Get ready - the final end of everything October 21
by wannabefree inperhaps this has already been addressed, i looked ... i thought you might want to know, not much time left ..... harold camping .... some time after being released from a nursing home in june after suffering a stroke, camping, released an audio message on family radio's website saying, "we would have not been able to be used [by god] to bring about the tremendous event that occurred on may 21 of this year, which probably [will] be finished out on oct. 21 that's coming very shortly.
that looks like it will be ... the final end of everything.".
I love this! what a great "conversation starter" to use with our JW friends and relatives!
Setting: Car group in Saturday FS. "Aren't those Camping people NUTS? I mean, really--where do they come off thinking THEY are the only chosen ones to know and predict something like this? How do those people stay in a group like that after they've been wrong so many times?"
Wait for answer.
Fading: Slow-Torture Approach to Exit Strategy
by DarioKehl ini posted earlier on here today about the gut-wrenching physical ailments that come from living a double life as a fader.
it's effort.
it's work!
Thanks guys...
Yeah, I don't know what would be worse for my parents: the sexual preference thing or the apostate thing. LOL! They're both JW parents' worst fears and here I am! I'm the one and only family member who has 'em both! The fade up til now has worked wonderfully. I have avoided meetings and service for 2 years. The only contact I have are with people who I've known forever who live far away and we only see each other maybe once a year. Other than that, I have zero contact with dubs and have no desire to ever again. There are many I stay in touch with who faded or were never baptized. Getting affairs in order is a great way to put it. It's like I'm stacking up pillows so I can survive a long jump. I've "padded" my landing area be finding many DFed people (thanks to Facebook and other media) and even done some healing exercises where I've found people in the past who I hurt in some way while enforcing JW protocol (yes, I was a whistle-blowing goody-2-shoes and loved shunning and bad-mouthing "weak" people). What an asshole I was. But I didn't realize it at the time! This brainwashing really does allow the GB to be your puppet master in ways you'd never realize from inside. I don't fear being alone. I just don't want to be the ONE in the family to bring the biggest tragedy they'll ever endure.
I want the freedom someday to eventually hang lights and enjoy a satisfying relationship with someone (I'm an 80/20 bisexual in favor of dudes but opposed to starting a family some day if I find the right match). I definitely want the freedom to LIVE MY LIFE. I wanna say what I wanna say, do what I wanna do and be able to post pictures on my own FB of me and any significant other doing, drinking, smoking whatever we want without fear of "someone finding out and telling." I want to skydive for instance and I probably will very soon, but it sucks having to edit my stories when I'm around my family. If I did, I'd never be able to tell them how wonderful it was, or share my pictures of it. You see, when I cant talk about things, I still feel like I'm lying. If I can't handle these feelings of dishonesty, the easiest escape might be getting DFed so the problem just effin goes away. I dunno. I'll sleep on it for a few more ...months
Fading: Slow-Torture Approach to Exit Strategy
by DarioKehl ini posted earlier on here today about the gut-wrenching physical ailments that come from living a double life as a fader.
it's effort.
it's work!
I posted earlier on here today about the gut-wrenching physical ailments that come from living a double life as a fader. It's effort. It's work! I have to try and remember who knows what, where, when and I'm always double-checking alibis. I'm an ADULT and I feel like a teenager sneaking out of the house to go makeout (...like I'd know what that feels like--I was a good, petrified, brainwashed DUB drone who never endulged in normal adventures like that, but you know what I mean). I'm constantly afraid of "getting in trouble." I'm sick of it. I have found mental freedom from the borg. I'm OUT, just on the inside. It's like, I got through the ticket counter at Disney World but haven't walked through the final gate into the park--I'm where I wanna be! I see everything. I see the good, the bad, the ugly, the scary and it's such a rush! But I'm emotionally cockblocked and can't go through with entering the park and enjoying it. FEAR. Fear and dread of WHAT. OTHERS. WILL. THINK. And it's starting to anger me. I've had very powerful dreams for the past few nights where I'm absolutely telling my mom off--I mean nasty, profane, hateful, awful things--and it feels GREAT!!! But in real life, I'm not angry. We have a great relationship on the face. The only time our relationship hits a wall is when WT comes in. That's always been a force that can take a perfectly stable, happy day and turn it into a hateful battle of angry words and tears. Perhaps I've entered a new phase in my fade. It is very much like a greiving process. I'd lable this stage "Anger." I know better than to call my parents and come out to them while I'm in this stage. It will get ugly. While I was in earlier stages, I was afraid of hurting them, letting them down and horrified about what they'd say and think about me. I feared the guilt trips (which they will hurl, esp my mother). Now, I'm cautiously aware of this anger that has built up just under the surface. I'm afraid that I'll blow up at them after they get their jabs in. Rather than feeling bad, I'll get angry and lash out. I'm soooo utterly bitter and full of hate and revenge and spite and disgust at those loathsome old bastards on the GB. And there are horrible, horrible asshole elders who have given me and even my faithful loyal parents PURE HELL all along. I'm not cool about a lot of the elder bashing on here because my dad is one and I always felt bad about how much time and enrgy he put in to his "job." He was exhausted, overworked and still faced harsh criticism by those high-ranking, controlling jackasses with money. Many elders are victims themselves--with far more to lose (spouse and offspring). GOD, it's this hard for me and I'm a single bachelor with no kids! This should be a cakewalk!
Brainstorm: I thought about just "getting caught" some how. I'm not a bad person at all. But maybe if I just got caught doing something judicially wrong so I could get DFed for something other than apostacy. If that happened, I believe my parents would still stay in touch with me. But if I DA or get busted for apostacy--that's it! DONE. So, have any members on here thought about that as an exit strategy? Hell, I'll even LIE and make something up: "Hey, I banged a worldly waitress like 10 times this summer and decided you should know." (I'm also attracted to dudes, so that scandal would actually be a relief to my parents who certainly "wonder about" me since I've never married and it could even put an end to a lot of the hateful gossip in dubland). Get DFed publicly. BAM--the band-aid is off. Done and over. I'm inside Disney World. People won't badger me about coming back in because they're not allowed to talk to me and my fam will still be in touch about necessary business. No more of those "didja like the WT article this morning" phone calls on Sunday afternoon. No more "though of you when I read this Awake! article (Cut Paste)" emails on the nights they know I'm supposed to be at meeting (which I haven't been in 2 years and never want to go back again--ever). UGHHGHGHG this is so draining!!! See, GB WBTS??? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU DO TO PEOPLE??? I can't even think and enjoy this gorgeous evening you miserable fucks!!! I WANT YOU ALL TO DIE OF CANCER, SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY. I WANT there to be a hell just for you bastards fucking up the one shot at life for so many millions of people. But there is no hell. We only have the time left here in our fleshly bodies on planet earth so I need to get your viral infection purged from my life--your cancerous growth must be removed down to the root before I can move on.
Does it get better? Really? Will I ever experience happiness again? Will there ever be a time that I can take that gaping void left behind and fill it with wonderful life experiences? Will the nauseating sensation that washes over me when I see a person at Walmart or hear a name or phrase from Dubland ever go away?