These stories always grow in the telling. When I was still inside, one of my favorite past times was sharing "demun stories" with all my JW friends. Sure, mysterious things happened all the time, but the human brain is remarkably deceptive. And I'll admit, when things happened (and at the time, I wasn't such a skeptic so I believed some of these experiences were real evidence of demons), I would "flavor" my story every time I retold it to another person. After awhile, I even started believing my own embellishments! So yes...I am guilty as charged for not only believing and embellishing, but actively convincing others of these accounts.
George Costanza said it best: "It's not a lie... if you believe it."
Thanks to Snare&Racket for bringing up James Randi's $1M prize. Every day that prize goes unclaimed is another powerful piece of evidence that there's just no such thing as the supernatural.
Sidenote: It did always seem kind of ironic to me just how much fear JWs had of demons and how much emphasis they put on their apparent powers and ability to interact physically in your life. They could scare the crap out of you with stories and warnings from WT but never had a problem explaining their way out of why angelic or godly intervention doesn't happen in modern times. If anything, for current JWs, demons offer more proof of the supernatural than jah ever does! Think about it: at one point in history, god supposedly parted the Red Sea, led by pillars of fire and cloud, maintained a constant ambient source of "spiritual glory" inside the most holy room of the tabernacle, but nothing like that occurs today because the mere existence of the WBTS supplies all the "proof" that we should need. Evidence of god and holy spirit is only manifested by this amazing global organization and its works of dispensing food. Meanwhile, demons make smurfs walk out of Kingdom Halls and garage sale items can strangle elders' wives during the night? But, the Revelation book says demons are currently in "Tarturus" so they can't be as powerful as they were in Noah's day? Yet they can still haunt your house and inanimate objects. Whatever.