Nope. It's just easy to mimic their 6th grade diction level. Sprinkle a few classic logical fallacies, drizzle some loaded language on top of it and serve with a healthy dose of social pressure and anyone can create a fantastic JW Word Salad!
i only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails.
having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears.
plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely.
Nope. It's just easy to mimic their 6th grade diction level. Sprinkle a few classic logical fallacies, drizzle some loaded language on top of it and serve with a healthy dose of social pressure and anyone can create a fantastic JW Word Salad!
for years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
If your family is already out, what's stopping you from exiting in a very dramatic way?
anytime I hear about a sociopath elder, I admonish people to dig for dirt on them. It's out there. Find it & demolish him. Hire a P.I. if you want to. Everyone is "too afraid" to do anything, but swift, cold, calculated anonymous attacks have always worked for me. Plus, it gives you a little Schadenfreude.
i only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails.
having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears.
plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely.
One advantage to keeping them uneducated is that they'll likely never know or understand terms like "vestigial traits."
They have the Creation book with the same long-debunked apologetics used by all other creationist religions. Their best device is the elipsis (...) when quoting any secular authority or scientist. They omit the parts that conflict with what they're promoting and dishonestly quote professionals in order to make it appear they're saying the exact opposite of their original statement. They use these devices to create straw men arguments, making the believer feel that their refutations are necessary and sound when neither condition is the case.
ALL JWs should be exposed to these terms and encouraged to google them:
endosymbiotic theory
RNA world and clay substrates
shared pseudogenes & retroposons
GLO gene knock-out mutation/vitamin C deficiency btwn humans, chimps & bonobos
human/chimp chromosomal fusion
Vitellogenin (egg yolk protein) gene in humans
i only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails.
having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears.
plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely.
Best answer: they don't address these at all.
The default response goes like this: "God must've had some reason for putting them there, but certainly mankind cannot offer the explanation. For, 'it does not belong to man, even to direct his step.' It's questions like these that will be answered in the New Scrolls--we'll learn so many marvelous things about God's creation that we can't possibly understand while we're imperfect. But be careful asking such questions in this Time of The End. The True answer to this doesn't have any impact on making it through Armeggedon, so for now, it would be wise to stand firm in the face of doubt and stay focused on the more important spiritual things. For the way to God's Kingdom is cramped and narrow. Those 'scientists' are on the broad and spacious path and they are pulling many of our brothers and sisters away with their feeble fleshly teachings. Avoid independant thinking!"
How'd I do? Feel like barfing yet? My teeth feel gritty from just writing that.
ok, im gonna try makin this as short as i can, cuz im still pissed.. my father is elderly, needs me to drive him to meetings.
it takes 30 minutes to drive there, so i stay for the meeting, i dress in slacks and a nice shirt respect for pops.
going back home , would be pissing in the wind.....i would just have to turn around 20 minutes after getting there.. well elders asked me to the back room, and said im doing a good job taking care of my father, and that it looks like im well on my way to getting reinstated
Say, "reinstatement?!? What's THAT? Ohhhhhh... Right... It's that 'going beyond what is written' shunning-but-we-say-we-don't BULLSHIT that only has relevance in your primitive fairytale worldview? THAT reinstatement??? The one that requires me to grovel before the same pale flabby gerontocracy who stole my friends & family after a lifetime of social sequestration? "Reinstatement," you say; The ritual that requires me to A) believe it has any authenticity or validity in its premise, B) participate in the lore by writing a letter pleading for your mercy--a capacity that you do not possess in the first place and C) give a good god damn!
fucker: what makes you think I'd want to return? Don't flatter yourselves. Eat a dick, I'm dropping pop off & going to the driving range from now on. See you 11:45-12:15, asshole. Go fuck yourselves."
please don't forget me because i know all the elders who have access to the confidential area of and others in the forum always have answers to anyone's questions no matter who you are.. so please send me those two letters i requested for only.
and i need a simple link to those two letters only.
don't forsake me.
its been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
dear friends, your posts are very good, but we really think that they will change many things soon...for example.
watch tower now are feminist and they protect the gay cause.soon we will have many gay marriages in kingdom will see.that governing body is really cool.ted jaracz and john barr were the last puritans in the governing body!.
the current governing body is completely liberal, but as yet has some bethelites the old guard working, they are still holding some behaviors .... but very soon you will see ... even in my congregation is very liberal ... not here disassociates for immorality .. just for apostasy ... i fucked three sister, but the elders did not shunned me, but they only help me!
the new testament specialist daniel wallace notes that although there are about 300,000 individual variations of the text of the new testament, this number is very misleading.
most of the differences are completely inconsequential--spelling errors, inverted phrases and the like.
a side by side comparison between the two main text families (the majority text and the modern critical text) shows agreement a full 98% of the time.[18].
the new testament specialist daniel wallace notes that although there are about 300,000 individual variations of the text of the new testament, this number is very misleading.
most of the differences are completely inconsequential--spelling errors, inverted phrases and the like.
a side by side comparison between the two main text families (the majority text and the modern critical text) shows agreement a full 98% of the time.[18].
It'd be nice to have references more recent than 1991 & 1975.
how about dr robert price for starters?