've been watching this gal all week too in addition to the RC developments in Australia. They JUST ran an article about her yesterday, and she found this vandalism this morning. I hope it's not staged because that would hurt her credibility, but they ran with this story today:
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Breaking News: Debbie McDaniel's House Vandalized Overnight with JW Threats!
by DarioKehl in've been watching this gal all week too in addition to the rc developments in australia.
they just ran an article about her yesterday, and she found this vandalism this morning.
i hope it's not staged because that would hurt her credibility, but they ran with this story today:.
Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!
by LostGeneration in,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
You'd think ANYONE representing the Borg would've seen the others get skewered on days 1-3 and show up better prepared. Here we are on day 4 and JW reps still have a look of total shock & surprise once they realize that this RC isn't playing around. It's like they've rehearsed a demo for the service meeting and figured they could "find sheeplike ones" on the goddam panel!
it kinda actually betrays how little respect the bOrg felt for this, this, this-this "royal? commission?" in some far-away continent that's on the upside-down part of the planet.
Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!
by LostGeneration in,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
So are the GB even aware of this or do they have their ears covered yelling "La-la-la!"
Or does their assholedness actually reason, "Huh? What? Ah, nawww, dude... it's just fuckin' austrailia, man. Ain't nuthin' they can really DO to us. Pshhh!"
Back again!!
by Sweetp0985 inback again since about 10yrs ago.
last year attended the international convention in new orleans and was feeling some type of way afterwards.
went to a couple of meetings and then the thrill was gone.
Speaking about my personal situation, I can't blame anything on nostalgia. There's no nostalgia left. Since 2008, look at how much it's all changed in the big rebranding to JW dot bOrg.
The kingdom songs suck and are creepy as hell. Any of the good ol' familiar classics I used to fall asleep to on cassette as a little kid have been utterly gutted and changed for the worst. Now it's all creepy cults mormony droning that wigs me out and convinces me, "run! get out of here!" every time I return to a big event (memorial/convention).
They've gutted the only remaining positive happy past time of book studies in private homes (with "goody nights" once month).
They've dumbed down the literature into flimsy rags.
The NNWT doesn't sound the same.
The cartoons are so heavy-handed with the guilt/fear child indoctrination bullshit. I'd rather look at bloody pics in my bible story book than be guilted out of my ice cream money or think a laughing snake will descend from the ceiling if I play with the wrong toy. (Will Caleb and Sophia grow with their toddler/tween fan base like Harry potter, or will they stay the same age like Bart & lisa Simpson? Only reason I ask is, I can't wait until they're teenagers and Caleb gets DF'ed for getting a handy from a worldly girl at school because you KNOW they're gonna have an episode where both those kids get dunked in holy water real soon!)
The whole JW logo idol worship and brand name
"Happy" videos
Science denial
hugely homophobic rants from the gb
actually SEEING these GB guys for who they really are (I mean, Lett?!? REALLY??? Come ON!)
Does the royal commission have the power to force the Jws to change how abuse is handled?
by hoser ini'm wondering if this is just a hearing or if this commission has teeth?.
some very damning things coming out nonetheless .
JWs are attention whores. They are proud to be known for their annoying habit of waking people up on weekends, they are proud of their deadly blood doctrine and now they'll be proud for "standing firm" in their handling of pedos. Everything that is awful and unpopular about the cult is twisted and molded into a badge of honor.
"nope! not changin'; bible says 2 eyewitnesses are required." (pats self on back)
they're the bratty red-headed step child with ADHD: even BAD attention is still attention. That's all they want. Look--they're in the top 10 yahoo search trends today. They don't care WHY. It's free product placement for them. "What a fine witness!"
fuck this disgusting cult right in the mouth.
Speculation ( not theory ) on child abuse inquiries.
by DATA-DOG inmost of you, like me, keep yourself informed as to what's happening in jw-land.
like me, you make it your business to know what's going on.
so i'm wondering why the wtbts is allowing eldubs to appear in these inquiries in australia??
Easy answer to your question, OP:
its because lett, morris, losch, herd, jackson, sanderson and what's-his-name will NEVER sit in the hot seat themselves. They simply ignore summons and refuse to appear. They'll let the elders & co take the heat (and if they fuck it up, I'm sure they'll answer for it later!)
i wonder what's going to happen to the sister who testified about her abuse today. She's still technically a JW believer! Imagine the fallout when or if she's DF'ed for her testimony.
JW Hatred and Elders Apathetic Manners Drove Me Here! Why are JWs fooled in to thinking the WTS Cares?
by Judas Maccabee infor years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
(golf clap)
Hey jackass... we all know you're here now, ok big guy? You got your attention hit for the day, so move along. Shoosh!
And BTW, it's "you're," not "your."
How do jw's explain vestigial organs in humans?
by purrpurr ini only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails.
having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears.
plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely.
Nope. It's just easy to mimic their 6th grade diction level. Sprinkle a few classic logical fallacies, drizzle some loaded language on top of it and serve with a healthy dose of social pressure and anyone can create a fantastic JW Word Salad!
JW Hatred and Elders Apathetic Manners Drove Me Here! Why are JWs fooled in to thinking the WTS Cares?
by Judas Maccabee infor years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
If your family is already out, what's stopping you from exiting in a very dramatic way?
anytime I hear about a sociopath elder, I admonish people to dig for dirt on them. It's out there. Find it & demolish him. Hire a P.I. if you want to. Everyone is "too afraid" to do anything, but swift, cold, calculated anonymous attacks have always worked for me. Plus, it gives you a little Schadenfreude.
How do jw's explain vestigial organs in humans?
by purrpurr ini only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails.
having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears.
plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely.
One advantage to keeping them uneducated is that they'll likely never know or understand terms like "vestigial traits."
They have the Creation book with the same long-debunked apologetics used by all other creationist religions. Their best device is the elipsis (...) when quoting any secular authority or scientist. They omit the parts that conflict with what they're promoting and dishonestly quote professionals in order to make it appear they're saying the exact opposite of their original statement. They use these devices to create straw men arguments, making the believer feel that their refutations are necessary and sound when neither condition is the case.
ALL JWs should be exposed to these terms and encouraged to google them:
endosymbiotic theory
RNA world and clay substrates
shared pseudogenes & retroposons
GLO gene knock-out mutation/vitamin C deficiency btwn humans, chimps & bonobos
human/chimp chromosomal fusion
Vitellogenin (egg yolk protein) gene in humans