to continue... We called these women "elderettes." They were always ready to rat on a friend for some indisgression if it meant they'd score points with the Ruling Class. I've seen them call the elders because they thought someone's car was parked too long in a driveway, or because they'd heard through the gossip line, that this one is not Christian cause she doesn't outline her Watchtower in yellow markers...stupid stuff.
And where did they get most of their info? From the elders wives who'd sat on committee meetings! The brothers were the biggest gossips in the congregation, carefully feeding the masses info to keep everyone distrustful of the other.
Women are not only oppressed, they're controlled, and throught of contemptably by the very brothers they seek to get points from. So the brothers have managed to use women's petty jealousy of each other against them. I myself was "counseled" for getting a Law degree by a sister who wouldn't go the the bathroom without her hubbys permission.