@WON'T LEAVE - Funny as hell!!! But, I believe you are correct! He's been doin' it (sex) but, won't admit it. Truth is....I don't care. Just don't try to implicate me.
As long as he has the 'appearance' of continuing strong with meeting attendance and field service, he's good. I haven't screwed him in 6 years. Word has come back to me that he has (they just won't give me concrete evidence that he has...speaking of ones he's hung with thru the years).
But, he says he stepped down from being an elder to pay more attention to his family...YEAH, RIGHT!!!!! WAAAAAAY TOO LATE!!! I've heard he's been privately reproved. I think it is true. He made a point that he hasn't pioneered in so long. That isn't even like him! He pioneers ALL THE TIME! So, that makes me think it is true.
I feel he was deleted. No way would he give up the POWER of being an elder. He's always told me if ever he lost his position as an elder 'due to my foolishness' he forever resent me. Well, I see that he tries is damndest to keep me or incriminate me.