You certainly have my sympathy sitting through that trash. Just think you only have two more days of the same garbage.
Come on back with us awful apostates.
so i have the friday of the district assembly behind me.
i have learned;.
i need to cancel my cable so i can study more and read the bible more and have less temptation to buy "new toys"i need to sell my house and buy an ol' fixer upper so my wife can stop working and pioneeri need to sell all my "toys" and my cari need to trust the fds implicitly because jehovah does.i need to pray more, study more, preach more, go to more meetings, etc.
You certainly have my sympathy sitting through that trash. Just think you only have two more days of the same garbage.
Come on back with us awful apostates.
Emily...2 ex-wives for this boozo???????????????? Should this not be telling you to run like hell. Please put yourself first, he is a controlling jerk, who will destroy your self-esteem and self-worth.
i recently stopped because of the large amount of recycled information.
do you still read them?
i really need some new light!!!
Thank the Lord...No I don't have to...I come here to find out what is being printed...That is as close to a WT I ever want to get.
so my husband's trial starts july 23 and even though logic tells me it won't happen, i'm terrified that some nice jury will say "oh you poor thing, meth made you try to kill your wife, and i'm sure the cop you tried to kill understands, and the fact that they had to shoot you and taser twice and then five cops jumped you is punishment enough.
" if they turn him loose the first thing he will do is come and kill me.
and my friends and the cops and my shrink all say they'll protect me so i can see the scenario: "hi hubby, let me make you a cup of coffee while i call the cops and my friends and my shrink who has personally promised to come and kick your ass.
Have you been connected to a Domestic Violence Program? Most have support groups so that you can speak to others in similiar situations in life. You need support through this. Do you have to go to court? If you do the DV program will provide a court advocate to accompany you.
I really am sorry you have to experience this. It is no fault of yours, it is his. He is a criminal. Doesn't change the fact that you were married to him and cared for him. It is such a mind F..k That is why many woman who have lived in this experience PTSD. You lived in insanity.
We are here for you.
if we cut out all the crap, the jehovah's witness religion kills people through their 'blood' policy.
people die from following it.. therefore i am ashamed to say that i was part of it for so long.
i used to say, as many who are still in still do, that it's not a bad way of life.. yes it is.
As much as I agree with you on the blood policy, I would wage a bet that much more lives have been destroyed by the disfellowshipping policy. It has lead to suicide, drug, alcohol abuse, divorce, losing children in custody...on and on you could go. There are many policies that they practice that are destructive.
Remember you were brainwashed, so are the rank and file. The ones you should feel anger toward are the boys that make policy. The leaders are blood guilty, the men in responsible positions etc. The average rank and file publisher just is doing what they are told, and in doing so thinking that they are pleasing God. JMO Vent away it is cathartic.
i don't know how you feel but i am pleased to be part of a community that cares about fellow members.
although we may not know individuals in person, we get a "sense" of many of our fellow posters especially if we have been here for any length of time.. several of our fellow posters have experienced terrible tragedies that result in financial nightmares.
i don't know how all of you feel, but i would rather give directly to someone in need than through a charity.
What I have found in helping others, especially ex JW's is knowledge. When we all leave the cult, most of us have no idea what is out in the "world" to help us. There are alot of financial, emotional, and spiritual help if you know where to go. I have worked for a not-for-profit for 14 years, and helped many ex jws with whatever they needed. Not only do ex jws not know the system, but many are reluctant to use it.
I have to agree when it comes to aiding with money, one-on-one is the best. I also work with a few individuals that help ex jws in our community. We have set up what we call a "Needy assistance fund" none of us have alot of money, but we add to the pot when we can. That is the fund that we use in giving a financial donation to the person. What you have to do is make sure the request is valid. Is it possible that you could be hoodwinked....sure it is, but you did what you thought was the best decision at the time. I have to tell you it is very rare that that would happen.
a co once told this story at a circuit assembly.
i never quite believed it, and now knowing how many false rumors spread in the jws it would be no suprise to me if this is fake.
the story goes that a non-jw husband didn't want his wife to joining the jws.
Gopher...I will have to remember that line..."the new light zone."
the following is a post from awake&watching about a video i posted on youtube.. .
awake&watching .
title i'm laughing so hard i'm crying... .
Wow that is awesome !!!!
gregor started a thread asking about hambeak.
sparkplug said:.
i called him last week i think it was.
Sending you more good vibes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get well soon.