I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother and sister. Grief has so many different ways that it is expressed. Sadness, anger, shock, guilt, fear, numbness. Sometimes the grief is so overwhelming that it can paralyze us.
Unfortunately in the JW religion one is not supported many times through the grief process. They use scriptures to tell ones that they should not mourn as the rest since they have a hope yadda yadda yadda. You feel sometimes like people have already forgotten that important person. It is like the rest of the world is still functioning and no one is noticing the pain that you are in.
If the pain gets to the point that you can not function in your daily activites it might be that you need outside intervention. It is ok to find someone to talk to about your grief. In no way does that make you crazy, or you can not cope. We all need support sometimes in our life. You could call The Salvation Army, Catholic Charities and find out if there is a local support group that deals with grief. Just a few ideas..just know that you are in my thoughts.