Seems like alot of people have bad things to say about Jehovah in here. I don't. It's not Jehovahs fault the organization is so ****ed up. I think when people leave the organization, they lump it all together- Jehovah- religion, organization, etc. I HATED the organization & what it stood for- and thought it was a bad representation of Jehovah (God- whatever name you want to use) But, it isn't God's fault that people are screwing up in his name! Seems like ALOT of people leave the witnesses & become atheist or agnostic, or doubtful. I am not doubtful there is a God, but just doubtful that he used the WTS to be his one & only means.
Just wanted to say that. Besides that- this site is awesome! :-)
Yikes- I have a feeling I am going to get a tongue lashing on this one! BUT, Jehovah (GOD) has been WONDERFUL to me. Its those brainwashed cult people that are messed up- hard to seperate it at times, though, I know.