Good Morning, just checking in to see the news.
Thanks for the replies.
Thirdson...thanks, that's what's always been new, isn't it. Treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed garbage.
Farkel...thanks for the historical viewpoint. Has to be some kind of arm bending to get them to look forward to three days of sitting and yawning. My notes always went off the page in the afternoon and were never looked at again.
Osarif....thanks for the link. I haven't read it yet but I will.
Truman....Thank you!! I looked through all the pages for those threads and couldn't find them, so I decided to ask outright.
Not that I want to burst anyone's enthusiasm bubble, and my daughter pretty much figured it would be same-old same-old, I just wanted to confirm it for her.
Thanks again, Libby