Well, I realize the question is Why did you WANT to be reinstated..
but most of the replies are like mine: Why I DON'T EVER want to be
reinstated, and all the reasons are pretty much listed by everyone's comments here.
Your daughter may believe that the reason for shunning is to make the other person ashamed and miss their friends and family, but that is just another lie the wts has brainwashed the r&f with. Because the real reason, we all know, is so that we can't tell our friends and loved ones how fake the Org truly is. By cutting off communication and labeling every one and every thing "apostate", the wts has tried to disrupt rescue attempts.
What shunning has shown me is the true character of the person doing the shunning, their love and friendship was never Christian. They walk smugly aware from me feeling as though they have done their spiritual deed for the day. Once shunned by them, I find it difficult to ever acknowledge them again. The few who have continued to show love and friendship to me are the ones who do cause me to actually rethink by leaving....but just momentarily!
Roy Batty...I'm with you: "And finally, I hope that my example will cause others, especially my family, to leave this destructive cult." Amen to that!!
I feared my daughters would never know that they should leave the org. They haven't yet but I pray for them (even though the Org does not allow them to pray for me!!) And my younger daughter has been researching cults on the internet. The other day she told me the wts has all the characterics of a cult. Whew!