Well done. Well done, indeed.
My email has been sent to Shirley, too.
well i hope this is the last chapter regarding the ritzville trial of manuel beliz.
perhaps he now can become a statistic in the roles of sex offenders who go to jail for their crimes.
as you may recall in the first hearing things were much different and intimidating to erica and her family.
Well done. Well done, indeed.
My email has been sent to Shirley, too.
well, i just received a letter from my mom and i dont know how to describe my feelings at this time.
i thought id share parts of it with you and see what yall think.
i will delete names and add my own words in parenthesis to describe whom shes talking about.. after a few lines of small talk she says this..........i do want to tell you, since (you and your husband) have rejected the truth, i am so glad (your son) is not old enough to join or be drafted into the military.
Dear Ranchette
I'm a disassociated mother of two daughters still in the org.
It is the org that squeezes any "natural affection" out of the
jw's, where parents don't talk to children and vice versa, where
"friends" are only "friends" so long as you don't disagree with
the org; where mothers worry that they can't pray for their own
children who are disfellowshipped; where people have to feel guilty
about helping or praying for others who are not jw's (and are
therefore doomed).
In all that has been happening, I believe the ones showing true worship are the rescue workers and the passengers who gave their
lives for their fellow man. Jesus said that there was no greater
love than to give your life for your brother.....
I wanted to add that my oldest daughter recently moved back home
and I found out that she feels guilty eating with me....it's okay
that I bought the food and prepared it and she can eat it, but
just not with me. What a slap that was.
my father was rushed by ambulance from his rest home to st. marks hospital in salt lake city, utah friday, but i only just heard about it.
i received a call from the floor nurse and she told me he is not expected to live.
his lungs are filled fill up with fluid and are continuing to fill u with more fluid: he has pneumonia.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It brought back memories of when my father died.
We're never ready.
I'm glad you have the comfort of having said to
him all that you did.
Even though we don't know each other, I can see
your father in your words....and that's beautiful.
Know that many have been where you are and are
thinking of you.
the following is the first-draft of a letter i would like to send to the society.
any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
(don't worry, i've developed a thick-skin.
Well done, sister, excellent scriptures to use!!
My first reaction was: publish it in the newspapers!!!
My next reaction was: sign my name to it.
My final reaction was: let's ALL volunteer our names, like a petition. Would that be enough signatures for them?
for decades now, those words have appeared atop one of the watchtower societys buildings in new york city.. that exhortation may never have been more needed by jehovahs people themselves than it is today.
recent posts have asked good questions regarding what can or will sustain individual jehovahs witnesses who do truly love god, but who may be disheartened by various things they have seen in the organization.. it is clear to me that many witnesses spend far more time reading the societys publications than gods word itself.
one reason sometimes given is that the preparation and research has already been done for you, thus making it easier.
Hi Maximus,
I just read your comments and was struck by your reference to the recent DC about their imperfection.
This is something I've been contemplating recently because any problem one has with the organization is met with the phrase "their just imperfect men." And that seems to excuse the problem.
But.....how would jw's have changed if the men governing them had been perfect?
Didn't we act as though they WERE perfect? Didn't they expect that of us?
I wonder what the average jw would say if asked that question: how would you change in your obedience to the org if you found out they were perfect?
for decades now, those words have appeared atop one of the watchtower societys buildings in new york city.. that exhortation may never have been more needed by jehovahs people themselves than it is today.
recent posts have asked good questions regarding what can or will sustain individual jehovahs witnesses who do truly love god, but who may be disheartened by various things they have seen in the organization.. it is clear to me that many witnesses spend far more time reading the societys publications than gods word itself.
one reason sometimes given is that the preparation and research has already been done for you, thus making it easier.
Hi Nicodemus,
Thank you for the well-thought-out post and for the upbuilding comments.
It's interesting that you mention the CO's blistering talk....because that was my last meeting. I certainly viewed it in the light of the Bible and realized that this so-called shepherd was actually beating the flock. The words "skinned and thrown about" came to mind. He was not a minister of God, showing love and kindness and care. We were scorched for many things by him, from being too talkative---to not having our school guide books.
For me it was a final betrayal from what I had truly believed was God's organization. Further research since then has shown me that I was being betrayed all along...not by God and his word, but by those who I let take the place of God and the Bible.
It is certainly a true saying not to place your hopes in mortal man.
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questions from readers.
one of jehovahs witnesses who claims to be of the anointed remnant recently went to the hospital and took a blood transfusion, voluntarily.
Thanks for the replies.
It's interesting how different points catch our attention.
This is what stood out to me:
"However, congregations have never been instructed to disfellowship those who voluntarily take blood transfusions or approve them."
Obviously this was changed at some point and congregations WERE told to disfellowship for these reasons.
Now it seems there is a "qualified" return to saying they don't disfellowship for this offense, even though we all know the skirting they are using is that of "disassociation by action".
Anyway, it was news to me that the wts at one time in the past so boldly said they don't disfellowship for taking blood.
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questions from readers.
one of jehovahs witnesses who claims to be of the anointed remnant recently went to the hospital and took a blood transfusion, voluntarily.
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Questions from Readers
One of Jehovah’s witnesses who claims to be of the anointed remnant recently went to the hospital and took a blood transfusion, voluntarily. Should she be allowed to partake of the emblems of bread and wine at Memorial time?—R. J., United States.
We, of course, regret with you that this sister who professes to be one of the anointed remnant took a blood transfusion voluntarily during her stay in the hospital. We believe that she did the wrong thing contrary to the will of God. However, congregations have never been instructed to disfellowship those who voluntarily take blood transfusions or approve them. We let the judgment of such violators of God’s law concerning the sacredness of blood remain with Jehovah, the Supreme Judge. The only thing that can be done in the cases of individuals like this is to view them as immature and therefore not capable of taking on certain responsibilities, hence refusing to make certain assignments of service to such ones.
Since an individual is not disfellowshiped because of having voluntarily taken a blood transfusion or having approved of a dear one’s accepting a blood transfusion, you have no right to bar this sister from the celebration of the Lord’s Evening Meal. As an anointed member of Christ’s body she is under orders and command by Christ Jesus to partake. Whether she is unfaithful as to what she professes to be by virtue of taking the emblems of the Lord’s Evening Meal is something for Jehovah God to determine himself. His judgment begins at the house of God. It is not for you or anyone serving the Memorial emblems to act as the judge, but to allow the emblems to go to anyone in the audience as these are passed along in the normal manner of letting each one have the opportunity to partake.
Is the WTS returning to this position of not disfellowshipping for taking blood?
if you remember, i've been inquiring about how to discuss jw issues with my boyfriend's sister.
it appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up.
if you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "what is the doctrine or belief that the jw's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?
Hi Kathy,
I left after researching this question:
Who in 1914 knew that Jesus returned in that year?
The authority of the WTS to guide and direct everything one believes and does is based on the premise that Jesus selected them as the faithful slave in the 1914....1918 period. In the Greatest Man book we are told that Jesus would return in the same manner that he left... without public fanfare and with only is faithful believers aware of it, and that 1914 was when this happened.
But research shows (in their own publications) that in 1914 they were teaching that Jesus had already returned in 1874. This continued well into the 1920's, as late as 1929 in the book Prophecy by J.Rutherford, which was studied into the 1930's. I don't know the exact date that they began teaching Jesus returned in 1914, but they certainly weren't aware of his return in 1914.
So the answer to the question: Who in 1914 knew of his return in that year? No one.
my observation is that persons who 1) heal/adjust the most rapidly from their jw experience and 2) seem to have the most joy in life are those who read, read, read, in pursuit of what i call nourishment for the spirit.
i've really enjoy the pithy aphorisms you use here, which suggests you've distilled some wisdom from somewhere.
i'm going to ask your help in this thread.
After Crisis of Conscience, In Search of Christian Freedom, and The Gentile Times Reconsidered.....
"Right Hearted Living" by Bill Stonebraker unexpectedly yielded these treasures:
"More important than knowing the Bible is applying
the Bible. We don't want to just quore Scripture;
we want to let it shape our lives."
And, regarding the parable of the good Samaritan:
"The man was looking for a short list of rules, but
Jesus gave him a principle: Practice love in
relationships. It is easier to keep rules than
to love."