Obama's own written words from his book (and spoken by him in the audio version) present a clear picture of the chief influences in his life. He was steeped in Marxist ideology since birth. His parents and mentors were radical leftists and his entire pre-presidential career is evidence of his leftist Black Liberation theology/ ideology. He has never repudiated or apologized for these beliefs so is it really crazy B.S. to think that these do not influence his life, thought process, and policy as President?
If a politician with a similar background but from the radical right with the same sort of paper trail and friends were being discussed this person would have no chance at public office unless they engaged in constant repudiations and apologies related to these influences in order to "cleanse" themselves of this "evil"reputation. This is the double standard that masks the reality behind President Obama's administration and the majority of the media's lack of critical reporting.
Communism has gotten a critical pass when compared to Fascism because it has "the best interest of the poor and oppressed" as an emotion appeal which obscures the murder and misery it has created. The historical evidence has clearly illustrated that Communism can be every bit as deadly as Fascism despite all its good intentions.
This does not mean that President Obama is equal to a killer Commie but is it so crazy to be suspicious of his ideology? Not everyone who admires "Mein Kampf" and/or belongs to a Christan Identity church is a killer Nazi but it is perfectly normal to be skeptical of their thought processes and motives.
There are opinions and conjecture and then there are facts. All documentaries are varied % combinations of the three. "2016" is based on Obama's book "Dreams From My Father" and conjecture by D'Souza. Even if the subject of a book or film give 100% cooperation there is still opinion, obfuscation, conjecture, and mistaken memories involved and all the more so when your subject wants nothing to do with the project. Considering we have Obama's own words and actions to prove many of D'Souza's points I think that, as politically motivated documentaries go, 2016 is far from crazy-out-of-this-world in its premises and conclusions. Is it a perfect reflection of reality? Of coarse, it is not, but then again no documentary ever is.
Does President Obama lean left? I think any honest and well informed person would say yes. The real debate is just about how far left he leans. President Obama would not be well served by defining himself and so we must take what ever evidence is available and draw logical conclusions from these. Our level of fear, when it comes to Obama's motives, is based upon our own political ideology. If you are a leftist his policies are benificial and you do not fear their implimentation if you lean right these same policies will inspire anxiety. One person's conspiracy is another's promise for a better future.
At some point however, we need to remove our emotional blinders and push aside our fears so we can debate the best facts available from all sources and sort out the ideas based on their own merits but this is always easier said than done.