If the Christians were against blood sacrifice of humans, as the pagans were doing, then why did thier God also demand the blood sacrifice of Jesus. To me the whole idea that Jesus had to die for all mankind was totally absurd. It makes God seem very blood thirsty.
Also if God told Abarham to kill Isaac his son, and then changed his mind later and told him not to kill him, then did God lie? Either God changed his mind, or God outright decieved Abarham. Either way it makes God out to be not very consistent in his will.
In the garden of eden the tree was that of "knowledge of good and evil". Why would God choose to keep man in ignorance never recieving knowledge of good and evil? If man had chosen to obey then would he not still be practicing good and learning this? Was disobeying really the only way to learn about good and evil? Was man really that stupid? As a JW we were taught all about good and evil, was this not a teaching of disobeidence equal to eating the forbidden fruit?
My all time worst conflicts were realized after reading the new testament, particularly the book of John. I realized that to be a Christian you had to be "born of the spirit" you had to partake of the emblems. I realized that Jesus was to return visibly "every eye would see him".And his return was to be in the flesh! He adamintly stated that the "antichrist" was the one denying Jesus in the flesh, as the JWs did.
Revelation, the first four chapters, was addressed to Isreal, not "Spiritual Isreal" the term "Spiritual" had been added, this was forbidden by the last verse of Revelation, the JWs were guilty of the worst thing mentioned in the Bible, adding to it so as to change its written meaning. A very disturbing thought!