Maybe defamation of character, or liable against the DFed.
Or wrongful death from denial of a blood transfusion.
Defamation of character if you could prove that you are being personally called unclean, or evil, under the direction of the Org. Thats why they won't put anything in writing anymore.
I feel that the Org is causing pain on the social level.
Setting the stage for suicides of the DFed. Abandoning those in thier hour of need. Covering up violations of the law to free themselves from reproach.
Using brainwashing tactics to make people feel helpless and worthless without them. Psycologically holding people in its control, munipulating them through fear.
Is this anything a coven of witches might also do? Is it legal?
Freedom of religion is one of the basic things this country was founded upon. If it could be shown that converts no longer have this freedom because of brainwashing techniques so effective they are willing to do anything for thier church without regard to life, limb, or property, possibly you may get noticed.
5 hours a week of repeatitive programming, untill you just simply believe what you are hearing and saying.
Could we get their books audited somehow? Do they pay any tax?
Religion is truly a "racket and a snare!"
At what point of craziness does a Religion loose it's standing as a Religion? When it puts it's members under pressure to die rather then take blood? Christian Science will have to go next, they are much worse on this one.
When it shields pedophiles? The Catholic Church will have to go also.
When it makes crazy prophecies? The Adventists will have to go too
even Pat Robertson got in on this.
When it kicks people out for smoking? The Mormons are out the door.
Just what makes the JW's worse then all these others?
Isn't it Religion peroid that needs to be re thought?
Should Religion be free in this country?
Why are all the people in this country so needy of religion?
What is it giving them?
I think we need to clasify Religions into two groups.
In a closed system of Religion, everyone who is outside them is condimned by them and therefore not loved. They take authority to Judge others, Shunn others, and defame the character of those who leave. They inflict punishments on thier members.
In an open system of Religion, everyone who is outside them is welcomed by them, accepted as they are, loved and not judged. They allow freedom of choice and no punishments are administered to members.
The Unitiarians are an example. All Spiritual paths are acknowledged only up to the point where they start to judge others.
All the closed systems of Religion should be given a time peroid to change thier basic doctrines to include the notion that "all men are equal" and become open systems. If they do not conform to this within the peroid they should loose thier standing as Religions and be classified as dangerous cults, because of thier basic desire to devide all mankind rather then unite it.
No religion should be making decisions of a personal nature for it's followers. Political, medical, social, educational, or any other secular decisions, and inforcing them through punishment. The function of religion is to connect people with the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Eck, Light and Sound, Universal mind, whatever you wish to call it, but it is up to the individual to change himself from within or the Spirit to change him. It is between him and God from there on. The churches function is not to act as police, thought police, sensors, brainwashers, or punishers for God. When the Church takes on the roll of "enforcer of punishment" it has overstepped it's legal boundaries and seperation of church and state. Only the state should be punishing moral wrongdoing, this is not the proper function of Church. It puts the church leaders in a seductive position of power over others lives, and leads only to suicides and the like. JW's shunning is one of the worst examples of abuse of this power, where here we have men that are not annointed in the Holy Spirit actually judging others they are in power over. However thier are other churches doing this in a very corrupt way as well.
When ever you put men in charge of others and make them accountable to no one, judging without having to provide a written record or any actual proof of the proceedings or the offense, administering the punishment verbally, you will have a corrupt system in place.
They need to have thier power taken away, because it has been abused for much too long a peroid of time and taken a devestating toll on thier subjects.
The churches need to be forced to give up all power of reproof and punishment. The Bible even states that this is Gods job in the aspect of faith. This is governments job in the physical world.
I think these are pretty radical ideas, do you think they would make the world a better place? A place where Osama couldn't find anyone to follow him, and the JW's couldn't get anyone to knock on doors.