Meeting attendence- I had no choice here, attended them all! Brainwashing was very successfull and all proper levels of guilt and fear were firmly implanted from childhood.
Personal Study- You have to be kidding, it was my personal study that has helped me finally heal from the crap they layed on me there! Personal study to them is really personal programming with thier garbage literature, written for a 3rd grader!
Field Service- My absolute downfall, with inactive parents who were looked down on as bad examples, I loathed going in service with all those righteous elders who really had no incentive to help me whatsoever. A most painful expierence to walk up to a house and try to place literature with an actual person who usually seemed to have a stronger faith in God then me. I finally pioneered for a month or so and that was when I realized it was morally wrong, because my faith in my God was so low compaired to the people I was trying to save.
Personal Prayer- Another crock of shit for me growing up as a JW. I usually never got past the asking forgivenes of sins part, as I couldn't really ask to be forgiven for masterbating, I just plain liked it too much to be sorry for it. All the past, failed promises I had made to God to quit the evil act! It was only after being out of the Org for many years and having tried many other paths to God that I could even attempt such a thing again as "personal prayer!" I don't even like to call it that, I would prefer meditation, or inner guidance, or even communing with God or contacting the Light. The expierence at least now has some measure of meaning to me, but not when I was a JW. I never got any answers to prayers then, and actually, if I had it would have probably been considered demonism...LOL! as all supernatural works, like Jesus performed, were considered evil. The Jw's wouldn't recognise an answered prayer if it happened to one of them, they think it would have to do with thier silly preaching work, rather then a persons sacred path in his own life.