~Hand raised~
It used to be the book given only to Missionaries, now its the one given to Pioneers.
edited to add page 6&7 .
who remembers studying this book?
hands up.
~Hand raised~
It used to be the book given only to Missionaries, now its the one given to Pioneers.
why does wts keep printing in their literature that jehovah will judge when in the gosple of john it clearly states that christ will judge, and that judging was given to the son by the father?
"for the father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the son," john 5:22
Jesus? My bad!!
Oh, I remember...the person who's death was hailed and celebrated once a year yet was not mentioned for the rest of the year?
As a matter of fact, I recall being told that if anyone approached you and said "Praise the Lord" or "Jesus is Lord", they were considered 'demonized' and you were to immediately run from them.
I always had the opinion that as a JW I was supposed to be somewhat "ashamed" of speaking about Jesus. Not mentioning him felt soooo unnatural.
maybe the "last days" really are not as "hard to deal with" as the wts would like us the think..... http://www.cnn.com/2002/us/northeast/12/31/nyc.murders.reut/index.htmlmanhattan murders drop to 19th century levels.
tuesday, december 31, 2002 posted: 3:43 pm est (2043 gmt).
story tools .
I know the world is in a terrible state....never before has the world experienced food shortages, pestilences, worldwide market crashes, or big wars.....
Oh puuuuleeeeze!
PS. CA could fall into the ocean and the rest of the country secretly wouldn't care. With one big squoosh we get rid of Ebonics, the 9th Circuit Court System, Rodney King and the rioters, PITA and the other nutty groups, Cher, Hollywood, Michael Jackson...the list just goes on and on....
back when i was a member of the borg, wit.net was my favorite site.
it was sorta like this one, only you heard the same, boring fluff all the time (until obie put in the mature subjects board, thanks man!).
i'm wondering who else used to be a regular poster there?
so much of the watchtower is written in "code".
so much of the circuit and district overseers comments are spoken in "code".
for example, you are not told directly that you shouldn't read any other publication but the society's, but you are asked, "how could anyone spiritual ever have the time to keep up with their bible-based reading of all the spiritual food that we must take in, and still have time to read "worldly" books?
Yizuman, your post is quite sensical.
It reminded me of the "dog on the electrified floor" experiment I learned about in Psych class. Uncanny.
i was thinking about forgiving this morning, after reading yesterday about a woman who had been fed up 70 x 7 times with jws knocking - and i thought, didn't jesus say "if your brother says to you 'i repent', you must forgive him" ?.
but then i thought, i'm sure i've read about 'backroom' judgements on this board where people were denied forgiveness.
what's the basis for that ?
....., it is likewise the responsibility of the elders/pastors of any Christian congregation to judge the actions of the "evil one" and to discipline that one.
Um, where does the Bible say this? No where. Speaking from a Christian viewpoint:
Elders/Pastors are nothing more than teachers who are supposed to be good Christian role models. That's it, nothing more.
Spiritual judgement and discipline do not belong to them, those aspects belong to God. Physical judgement and discipline do not belong to them, those aspects belong to the "higher authorities" which God allows.
So you see, nowhere in there does the Bible give Elders/Pastors any of this type of authority. Simply because THEY are supposed to be concentrating on TEACHING others to obey God and Christ, following the example of Christ.
The words of Luke 17:4 were spoken by Christ...I for one would do what he says and disregard any contradictory words from Elder/Pastor so and so.
The thing to remember is that JWs have downplayed Christ...if it were not for the Memorial, there would be no mention him. Therefore, how could they practice the words of Christ when they don't even consider him much?
i know we were taught to study all the wts stuff.
prepare for each meeting, prepare for service, (gotta know the articles) etc.
i mean with all the personal study to do, how could anyone have time for newspapers, novels etc.
---Didi anyone really ever study?---
Yes. I read over the material but never ever underlined any of it and I never looked at the questions as there was no point to it. I always thought it tacky and unsightly to write in books (other than coloring books, notebooks, etc.).
I used to look up whatever info I didn't know off hand in Concordances, etc. At times, I found myself either reading entire books of the Bible or reading the entire article for which a reference was taken. Then, when I got back to the study publication section, I saw where it was either misquoted, out of context, or made absolutely no sense. I found the study material took all of 10 min to read.
At the meetings, I would just sit and read the Bible.
according to http://abcnews.go.com/wire/world/ap20021021_524.html this article at abcnews.
isn't the term 'french army deserter' an oxymoron?
All the sniper (if male) has to do is piss his girlfriend/wife off. End of story.
comments you will not hear at the 10-20-02 wt study.
"without an illustration he would not speak to them"matthew 13:34. introduction.
"can you recall an illustration you heard, perhaps in a public discourse, many years ago?
Of course, the illustration the WTS highlights is that of a shepherd, "the most tender of Jesus illustrations." They highlight how the sheep know the shepherds voice. The only way the "sheep" at the KH know the elders voice is from the platform.
Yep, and the Shepherd's voice is the one calling people out of the tombs in the end.....Only One is able to do that so it would seem we should follow that One.
I used to wonder how elders considered themselves "shepherds" ... they act more like the "hired men" illustration to me. When the wolf comes they abandon the sheep . They abuse the sheep. Why?, because the sheep don't truly belong to them.
Kinda what Paul was trying to get across when people were saying, "I belong to Paul, I to Appollos," etc. No, I belong to Christ and no one else...this excludes the elders from thinking they own people and helps people not to be followers of men.
shows man carrying wheat.. as the agricultural way of life is unhealthy,in archeaological research,teeth were badly worn in agricultural sites in the ukraine compared to archaeological sites where hunter-gatherers lived, what will happened in paradise earth to ensure our teeth don't get worn down as a result of eating agricultural products.. (i hope i haven't offended anyone connected with agriculture).
Skeletal cranials often still have the teeth. Teeth seem to last longer than the people.
Just my .02