Sooo many, tooo many.
The pretense is beyond reasonable. Its like having a zillion "iffy" baptist holier than thou preachers in one place. At least the baptist preachers will get up and ask the whole congregation for forgiveness when something happens, JWs will not and aren't allowed to.
Had an PO in a cong run pretty much by his family who used to get drunk and beat his daughter black and blue. His brother (also an elder) had sons who cursed like sailors and would start fights any time we all went to some amusement park. [They're either in Bethel now or MS]. Back at the hall, of course, they were the perfect picture of whatever. Had an entire BOE once get the boot because they were all "swingers" (wife swappers). Had a married MS that was a pedophile. Cheaters, scammers, and on and on.
The few decent people simply looked like deers caught by headlights.