Any human 'rulership' is Satanic according to the Bible. Even by their own standards the rulership will be in heaven, not on earth.
Those teaching differently are from Satan.
let me explain by what i am getting at without sounding like captain obvious!
i am actually excited about this since i think this could help assist a ton of people out of this organization!!.
i believe that the governing body is stepping up efforts to emphasize their unconditional rulership - every wt study article seems to make reference to their authority.
Any human 'rulership' is Satanic according to the Bible. Even by their own standards the rulership will be in heaven, not on earth.
Those teaching differently are from Satan.
i look back now and think what the hell was wrong with me?
it's just so crazy to be so blind.
everytime, i'd think that this or that wasn't quite right, i'd think i was committing blasphemy.. it's sad to know that's why many people are still stuck in that religion..
No. They're just men, nothing more, nothing less.
Teach implies learn and learn implies questions.
Paul went to speak about some in the Jeruselem group inappropriately teaching gentiles should be circumsized ... that should be pause for thought. Good thing he wasn't a punk and too afraid to say something. His fear was that of God not of men.
JWs fear men & the majority rely on pleasing men, not God.
Jesus never said he was returning "invisibly", men did. Jesus never said the heavens were shut up in 1935, men did. Jesus didn't say you need to write down how much time you spend talking to people, men did. Jesus isn't trying to guess the date of the big A, men are.
Ever notice the Apostle Paul, et al never disparged the Greeks or Romans for their idols and false gods? They simply used their religious nature to turn people to the true God by speaking about the good news. They never lashed out but implored believers to live a decent life full of good deeds where people had no bad things to say about them and maybe it would win some people over.
{matthew 24:9,22} revelation 12:17} {hebrews 11:32-40}.
they have been trampled on now for almost six thousand years.
{luke 4:5-8} {revelation 13:1}.
besides being boring, that's too long to read
.... and no one here is interested in being "preached at" by false prophets.
We're here to have real conversations, not boring lectures about unscriptual invisible returns which contradict the Bible's "every eye will see him" and make God's word worthless. Go away liar!
Does anyone think the Apostles were such bores?
the reality is: jehovah's witnesses benefit no one but themselves!.
they don't contribute to society.
they refuse to get involved in local interests because that would constitute violating their neutrality.. if sexual abuse allegations are made amongst their members, unless two witnesses can attest to the molestation, they refuse to get the "superior authorities" involved.. they claim to be doing their neighbors a "life saving" work but the reality is that they simply are pests to their "householders".. they are a tax free "religion" and they do not pay taxes.. they are judgmental people and regard the "world" as "worldly" and in the "power of the wicked one".. and if the individual members do not conform to the organization's dictates, they might very well be "shunned" and regarded as "dead".. why anyone would want to be a jehovah's witness is beyond me..
The religion sucks the life out of its followers.
More like it kills the spirit and sucks the joy out of followers.
i've been thinking about why people become jehovah's witnesses and why they remain in the religion.. it seems like almost everything they believe in is flawed.. the chronology, which this religion is founded on is a problem.. their understanding of bible prophecy is pathetically funny.
they teach everything in prophetic bible books ultimately apply to them.. their belief that the "faithful & discreet slave class" exists is ridiculous.
in all fairness, they cannot 'prove" anything they say about their organization as being "truth".
I didn't see it as much different than the Catholic Church they used to rail about. There was the actual Bible and then there was dogma. There was a heirarchy in place.No one was equal as simply "brothers" in the cause.
There were good folk who really cared about others and there were crappy folk who could care less.
i come from what i consider to be one of the finest cities on earth.
edinburgh, scotland.. i love the place.
every day i drive along narrow roads that tourists flock to in the summertime.. cobbled streets dating back hundreds of years.. my great, great, great, great x4 grandparents have walked the same streets.
Barcelona. The City was founded by and is named after Hannibal's father. They resisted Franco like a mothersucker & 'Cuase they've had some of the best players on earth traverse through their club ... and they're mostly little short guys who play like their behinds off.
"some of the biggest men in the united states, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something.
they know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
" woodrow wilson, the new freedom (1913) in march, svali, an ex-illuminati mind controller wrote: "there is a lot more going on in the suburbs around washington, dc than most people realize," she described how the illuminati cult brainwashed and trained people to become assassins.
Does a satanic cult control the world?
Yep, but it isn't the Illuminati, its the Smurfs.
There is a group of the most greedy, but they aren't all that smart; just plain ruthless and haughty.
were they all foreign women?
it seems to be contradictory too, because they weren't to have marriage alliances with other nations.
but, i guess using the woman as a sex slave and baby making machine was okay.
Everyone in the Arc only had one wife. Abraham was content with Sarah while she was alive ... when she got old and noticed she was 'sterile', she tossed her haindmaid to him so he wouldn't have to leave his stuff to a servant. After being tricked by Laban, Leah & Rachel, well, that was simply a catfighty 'one-upper.' They were tossing handmaidens right and left at Jacob. [Probably why in the Law Code marrying two sisters was forbidden.] Isaac only had Rebecca.
At other times, in the Bible, one would under obligation marry the wife of their dead childless brother so as to not let his house & inheritance die out.
Solomon well I recall reading somewhere where his concubines and various wives were displeasing to God.
But yeah, ancients had multiple wives and they also had constant wars going on depleting the male populace.
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
Wow! Amazing how certain people here can't focus to the point their OT rantings ruin a perfectly good thread. Why don't y'all jacking this thread go create your own thread and get off of this one?
Now staying on topic this is my choice:
1 Timothy 6: [Bible in Basic English]
3 If any man gives different teaching, not in agreement with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the teaching which is in agreement with true religion,
4 He has an over-high opinion of himself; being without knowledge, having only an unhealthy love of questionings and wars of words, from which come envy, fighting, cruel words, evil thoughts,
5 Bitter talk of men who, being evil in mind and dead to what is true, take the faith to be a way of making profit.
ok, here's my current list:.
i just finished the greatest show on earth by richard dawkins, and am almost finished crisis of conscience by...some guy.. currently in hand, i have:.
the power of myth, joseph campbell and bill moyers.
The controversial Open Veins of Latin America - Eduardo Galeano .... 'cause I want to see what all the hoopla was about.