Posts by Lieu
What would have Jesus done ?
by coalize in"everytime you want to do something think at what jesus would have done at your place".
every one already heard that once, i'm sure.. what's funny and i always dreamt to do, but never had the courage, it's to take the box where you put contributions and throw it at the ground to break it.
elders : "what are you doing?".
Go hang out with people considered "bad association" while the Pharisees, er 'scuse, Elders complain as procedures to have you 'killed' begin. Brother snitch-a-lot will be promised a part on the Circuit assembly for being a witness against you. -
Geoffrey Jackson compares waiting for Armageddon to waiting for Brazil to score a goal against Argentina!
by GodZoo inwtf!
Watching too many COPA matches can do things to the mind. Wait! You need a special cable package to watch those! -
My thoughts on the RC 2015
by StarTrekAngel inhaving endured three days of dashing attempts at further indoctrination, i feel the need to write up some of the stuff i left with.
it is just good therapy.. right away the change was noticeable in the air.
the assembly hall in la feria, tx still smells like new.
All that tech is why no one gets those cheese filled pastries for breakfast anymore. I used to really like those. *sigh -
Watchtower 6/28/2015 on 1st Christian Courage, Have the Courageous Watchtower Leaders Ever Condemned Radical Islam?
by skepticSam ini read blondie's great summary of today's watchtower lesson and thought about all the christians who died from various deaths for preaching the word and because they really believed what they preached the watchtower asked something of this sort, "if you were a christian in the early centuries, could you boldly stand up to all the exquisite tortures hurled at the first century christians because they were not afraid to take a stand for christ or be cowards to evil!".
are you aware of any condemnation made by the watchtower against radical islam or any actions showing their courage and being no part of this world?
they attack patient christian religions but what about others, where is their courage?.
Yeah, they know yapping would just end in tears. It certainly wouldn't be pretty.
They say nada. In fact, in one of the African countries, Christians are being slaughtered by the hundreds (at one time). Nothing on that either. I figure it's because they only have 'Christ' in their title and not Jehovah.
Watchtower 6/28/2015 on 1st Christian Courage, Have the Courageous Watchtower Leaders Ever Condemned Radical Islam?
by skepticSam ini read blondie's great summary of today's watchtower lesson and thought about all the christians who died from various deaths for preaching the word and because they really believed what they preached the watchtower asked something of this sort, "if you were a christian in the early centuries, could you boldly stand up to all the exquisite tortures hurled at the first century christians because they were not afraid to take a stand for christ or be cowards to evil!".
are you aware of any condemnation made by the watchtower against radical islam or any actions showing their courage and being no part of this world?
they attack patient christian religions but what about others, where is their courage?.
Need to add about radical Islam:
Er, I don't think they have the balls for that. Sure NY wouldn't care about some lowly publishers paying the price for their chattering.
However, Islamocrazies don't operate like that. They go after the people in charge and their Headquarters with military precision. They don't seem to like NYC anyway. Just another excuse to topple something there.
Lawyers can't intercede on that. So mum's the word. Besides, JWS are strictly "Western", not much is ever said about the religions of other cultures.
Watchtower 6/28/2015 on 1st Christian Courage, Have the Courageous Watchtower Leaders Ever Condemned Radical Islam?
by skepticSam ini read blondie's great summary of today's watchtower lesson and thought about all the christians who died from various deaths for preaching the word and because they really believed what they preached the watchtower asked something of this sort, "if you were a christian in the early centuries, could you boldly stand up to all the exquisite tortures hurled at the first century christians because they were not afraid to take a stand for christ or be cowards to evil!".
are you aware of any condemnation made by the watchtower against radical islam or any actions showing their courage and being no part of this world?
they attack patient christian religions but what about others, where is their courage?.
They take, they do not give. They do not do charity because they have no love for their neighbor. The big shots don't even care if the members have nothing to wear, nothing to eat, or roofs over their heads. Certainly there are no funds set aside for those truly in need.
Anyhow, 1-st Century Christians were "Witnesses to Christ". They were brave and relied on their relationship with their Lord and Savior. (Not some book factory) Most actually saw Christ perform some miracle or the other.
You already know "Jehovah Witnesses" are pretty much wannabe ancient Israelites & not Christians in any sense of the word. Christ is too soft hearted, to merciful for them. Plus he was always talking to women.
Besides, if it came down to the GB putting themselves in real personal danger ... not a peep from them. Seriously, they can't even get the light bulbs right about God's word.
What's the Worst Gossip You Heard About Why You were DF'ed, Faded or Left and Never Came Back? They say "I am gay!"
by PhilsWager2 inyour going to enjoy the latest rumor i heard why i have not been to meeting for around nine months, i am a homosexual!
i was caught having a drink at one of the gay bars for business, yes people still talk business in bars.
revelation 17:4).and murderers, and fornicators (cf.
Longhairgal, I don't think they hate you for leaving. It's more of a learned response out of fear that someone else may see them smile or speak. They have a HUGE fear of man and of being seen by sister self righteous snitch.
It's kinda like living in a theocratic Nazi Germany ... fear rules.
Blondie's Comments You Won't Hear at the 06-28-2015 WT Study (TRUST JAH)
by blondie in6-28-15 blondies comments trust in jehovah (4/15/15 study wt). .
so how does the wts start out in the first paragraph?.
For most JWs, Jesus has been supplanted by the WTBTS & the GB. Why do they need to know someone who is NOT their mediator & hasn't invited them to anything? At least the Pope only claims to be Peter's replacement; they claim to be Christs'. Jesus is completely ignored.
In fact, if one goes by their odd interpretations, neither the Mosaic Laws (for Israelites) nor the teachings of Christ (for the 'annointed') apply to the majority. One wonders why they bother with a Bible since none of it is for them.
Fun at The WT This Morning
by OneFingerSalute inso ofs was at the wt this morning, and on par.
14 the question was, "what trust can a faithful christian whose relative is disfellowshipped have?".
after awhile when no one else raised their hands ofs did, and was called on.. ofs commented, "one of jw can have the trust that god will lovingly give them the ability to uphold the disfellowshipping arrangement by totally shunning family members.".
Liars are not able to speak plainly for the truth is not in them; it's lawyer speak they've printed knowing full well it is a lie to include, "Or".
Btw, great response!
Study article - Work for us and you will be saved
by paradisebeauty inlast study article of march study edition of watchtower .
the sheep and the goats are people from all nations.
they will be judged toward the end of the great tribulation that will soon begin.
When one of those kept men washes my feet ....
Any monies given by the real Christians went to help the poor and needy, not to build buildings or line the pockets of Christ's "brothers" who could very well support themselves. Besides, those are instructions for the so-called "annointed, not the rest of us.
Burdensome greedy Judases.Go get a job!
*Religion is a snare and a racket*