I don't know of any rapists or child molesters who waited around to have an audience and/or witnesses.
I think it's pure STUPIDITY in these circumstances.
i'm picturing a situation in which a savvy 12 year old doesn't like the house rules that mom's new husband has put into place.
or something along that line.
i can certainly agree that protection of children is paramount, but who protects the real victim in those cases?
I don't know of any rapists or child molesters who waited around to have an audience and/or witnesses.
I think it's pure STUPIDITY in these circumstances.
i'm picturing a situation in which a savvy 12 year old doesn't like the house rules that mom's new husband has put into place.
or something along that line.
i can certainly agree that protection of children is paramount, but who protects the real victim in those cases?
Today it is as unreasonable as marrying your rapist. No ancient Hebrews around here following Mosaic Laws ... Besides ole Jezzy had two witnesses, and of course they were both liars. So, you know.
It's best to go straight to the police and let the law (forensics, dna, etc) do its job. Don't have your children farting around with religious types for comfort. They can read you scriptures AFTER the STD exams and charges are filed.
royal commission us caeser so wt must comply with those rules they tell rank an file to follow.
there was an article why report what is bad this articled required christians to become arm of the state so here we are at crossroads the suspence is great who will win ?
will jc be put out of business since there is no scriptual basis for 3 men to judge another human in christian cong .
jw: "wha-a-a-t?
mormon: "okay.
other jw: "that's just .
Exactly Doc!
Knowing how to debate or refute Mormons means you'd have to know something about them. JWS are 'highly discouraged' from delving into other religious sects or other religions. Or their own past/beginning for that matter.
Just spew whatever.
how much was the ransom?
gods justice did not require an exact equivalent man-for-man sacrifice between the first adam and jesus, the second adam.
gods gift required more.
Jesus or the Messiah was the ultimate "repurchaser", so to speak. With his blood buying back mankind from sin. No amount of goat, sheep, pigeon, or ram's blood would equal a human. There ya go.
Besides, Jesus was not saddled with sin. Why? No human sperm. Remember, it's because of a man sin entered into the world, not because of a woman.
(Even though Adam's lady part Eve was complicit in the whole lying-thievery episode.)
Also, there's no just the act of Adam. It's everyone that came in history through his, well, boyz. His unborn progeny. Paul? rattled on about Abraham giving (when giving Melchezideck a tenth of everything he had) while the Levites gave too because they were considered to be inside Abraham at the time. That line of thinking pretty much covers everyone.
according to apocalypse delayed, russell got many of his ideas from a conference called albury park.. .
here are the sources of his ideas for eschatology:.
and lastly, here are the sources for the ideas that jw's claim make them "the truth": rejection of the trinity, hell, and the inmortal soul..
over here on the left we have a governing body which is inspired directly by jehovah to receive his instructions for how to worship and interpret the bible accurately.. on the other hand, on the right we have a governing body which isn't inspired nor directed by jehovah, but which is making the best guesses they can make as mere humans as to proper worship and bible interpretation.. here is our thought experiment.. what differences would we see or would have seen in the last 100 years of jw teaching in each instance, .
and how would they differ?.
They're wrong too much and then they constantly lie about it. Pretty much just a bunch of liars who do absolutely no charity and tell other people Jesus is not mediating for them, and the doors to heaven have been shut. They display that the least in God's Kingdom should be washing the feet of the greatest from kingdom halls to Bethel. Oh, and give us your ice cream money.
That's not God's Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, nor the Holy Spirit.
may be some of you will be shocked by this question.
however, when i was studying the bible with critical eyes i detected that paul ( or saul of tarsus) misquoted the hebrew bible in order to get false support for his arguments.
of course, this tricky kind of use of the "scriptures" was not only used by him, but others, like the author of the gospel of matthew got unsupported doctrines misquoting verses.
No worries Caleb. I'm not offended. I don't mind being right, wrong, or in between.
Paul, et al. He may have been a Roman citizen but Rome was new in the region as far as Empires go. Greek was still the "international" language as well as its customs. So the 1st Century Christians were living in a heavily Hellenistic Greek society, not a Roman one, not yet.[ One reason the NT is written in Greek and not Latin. Also recall all the references to the Hebrew speaking Jews & Greek speaking Jews, etc.]
So whenever I read something he's saying. I keep in mind he's speaking to people heavily influenced by Hellenistic mindsets and practiced.
Women? Well women are at times at the level of worship & their advice is greatly sought after. Some hold an enormous amount of wealth. Open forums where someone speaks can get quite rowdy with everyone yelling out questions and such.
Actually, scholars debate whether Paul even wrote Timothy. Paul's writings have too many say hello to a female & thank her for her work. Plus Jesus behaved in a different manner towards women.
Sexual issues? Well, he's talking to people who live in the land of the orgy. A social norm. Pedophilia, beastiality, etc.
Debating teachings? Greeks were famous for mindless debating & debating just for the sake of debating (no purpose).
may be some of you will be shocked by this question.
however, when i was studying the bible with critical eyes i detected that paul ( or saul of tarsus) misquoted the hebrew bible in order to get false support for his arguments.
of course, this tricky kind of use of the "scriptures" was not only used by him, but others, like the author of the gospel of matthew got unsupported doctrines misquoting verses.
I understand fine, IMHO. Seems throughout Israelite history, the prevailing thought process is what caused some serious problems for the people. No peace. But that's for its own thread.