So everyone is suspect & out to 'get' you. How special.
What's next? Special JW aluminum foil deflector beanies that ward off bad external vibes?
boy oh boy did i feel paranoid at today's wt.
not only are we to watch our associations outside of the congregation, but also watch our associations 'within' the congregation.
this was emphasised by the wt study conductor.
So everyone is suspect & out to 'get' you. How special.
What's next? Special JW aluminum foil deflector beanies that ward off bad external vibes?
so i phoned an elder in the cong and asked him: "when did the calling for the great crowd start, was it 1935?
he said, "no, i think i remember a convention talk about 1950.
" so anyway, i said, "so then let's say in the 20th century right?
They can't answer such because their reasoning is selfish and without sound basis. Their objective is to separate to lord over their fellow human "brothers", while Christ's objective was to unite.
I see it as the 12 Tribes for whom the 12 Apostles were obligated by Christ to take the message of redemption; dire lost Israel. Simple symbolic multiplication.
The Great Crowd is simply the Gentiles who were to get the same message of redemption and same prize.
And the DUH! There would be more Gentiles than Jews who would hear and believe Christ was the promised Messiah; even to this very day.
so this is just so nauseating to me when she noddes her head in agreement and in a low voice or sound does a "mmm uh" in agrrement.
but here is the deal, she never aswers at the meetings.
she doesn't go out in service often.
animals made rafts out of logs that were knocked down by the great flood, i'm not.
sure about the kangaroo it's possible his pouch could have filled up with water and he sinked and.
how the crossed the ocean, that's something i'm working on.. then we have "if you don't believe in god you don't know right from wrong".
1. boring as s***e 2. extremely boring 3. boring as hell 4. boring.
5. slightly boring 6. not bad.
7. fair.
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
Meh, Paul was a bit whiny. "Woe is me in these chains for Christ!" No one wants to hear that all the time. Others were being fed to lions and whatnot. "Me, me, me, me." Besides, he genuinely belonged in chains; after all, he was a murderer.
Gotta remember he was a spoiled rich kid. Who he studied with wasn't cheap & is still revered in the Jewish community today. Also, he was a single Jewish male with Roman citizenship.
today during the public talk the speaker said that satan was behind the new modern phones, which are like mini computers, so that the world would have easy access to pornography..
i'm just wondering, i read on another thread that as a unwritten rule ivf is a no no.
i've never heard this, so it got me thinking about other things like getting sterilised i've heard differing views on this.
some say it's fine others say the society say's no.. what about circumcision, in the u.k. & oz it's not so big (excuse the pun) but i watched a doco that said it was a big deal in america & most men have it done.
Lol @ the article!!!! Every months millions of viable eggs are flushed by women around the globe. It's called menstruation/aunt flow/ your period. Oh, and it isn't an "embryo" until fertilization.
You aren't under the Mosaic Law, do what you want with your eggs & sperm. Besides that whole sperm thing was about purposely spilling it on the ground to prevent having children not storing it to HAVE children. Sheesh!
Uneducated men writing articles are silly ... and why don't all these so-called "experts" ever have names?
how do i feel about this?.
too much doubt.. shame on you people who are responsible for putting richard to death.. richard is scheduled to be put to death in oklahoma at 3pm on september 16th by lethal injection.
i have followed this case and feel like so many people very bad about this.
a lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
Yuk to this thread! Why do crazy religious types always want to say they are right and everyone else is wrong? I had enough of that crap already. Sounds like someone is looking for new church members ...
Anyhow, JWs problem stems from not understanding that the "other sheep" to whom Jesus referred were the Gentiles. These too he had to bring into his "fold". He didn't say a dayum thing about them having differing futures.