Posts by Lieu
Proof the GB is right about the Generation teaching.
by hardtobeme inthis is jesus explaining the generation teaching just as splane did it.
this is proof that the gb has jehovah's blessings.. there you can see peter and the other disciples paying close attention to what jesus is saying.
but they had to wait till 1914, franz appearance and 3 kind of anointed ones.
You forgot, after Columbus was discovered lost by soon to be slaughtered peoples in the Americas ... and then a 1914 USA book publisher group that apparently thought Abraham wanted to trade a land flowing with milk and honey for an arid desert region of California. -
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
John 21:18 only says Peter will be a prisoner when he dies. He won't be a free man.
Anyhow, I don't think it matters by which design of wood he died nailed to. It's too irrelevant to become the focus of his death. Kinda like people searching for a cup. (Holy Grail. Where does it say it's even his cup? Likely one of the dishes of the guy who's house they ate in.) No one is looking for the forks and knives they ate with or the plate the loaf was on.
Paranoia after today's Watchtower
by Truthexplorer inboy oh boy did i feel paranoid at today's wt.
not only are we to watch our associations outside of the congregation, but also watch our associations 'within' the congregation.
this was emphasised by the wt study conductor.
So everyone is suspect & out to 'get' you. How special.
What's next? Special JW aluminum foil deflector beanies that ward off bad external vibes?
Only 144,000 saved in 2000 years?
by LevelThePlayingField inso i phoned an elder in the cong and asked him: "when did the calling for the great crowd start, was it 1935?
he said, "no, i think i remember a convention talk about 1950.
" so anyway, i said, "so then let's say in the 20th century right?
They can't answer such because their reasoning is selfish and without sound basis. Their objective is to separate to lord over their fellow human "brothers", while Christ's objective was to unite.
I see it as the 12 Tribes for whom the 12 Apostles were obligated by Christ to take the message of redemption; dire lost Israel. Simple symbolic multiplication.
The Great Crowd is simply the Gentiles who were to get the same message of redemption and same prize.
And the DUH! There would be more Gentiles than Jews who would hear and believe Christ was the promised Messiah; even to this very day.
need input: why does my wife do this. when at the meeting she is always nodding her head in agreement
by goingthruthemotions inso this is just so nauseating to me when she noddes her head in agreement and in a low voice or sound does a "mmm uh" in agrrement.
but here is the deal, she never aswers at the meetings.
she doesn't go out in service often.
JWism is all about appearances. She must appear in agreement. -
I figured out how Animals ended up on different continents.
by James Mixon inanimals made rafts out of logs that were knocked down by the great flood, i'm not.
sure about the kangaroo it's possible his pouch could have filled up with water and he sinked and.
how the crossed the ocean, that's something i'm working on.. then we have "if you don't believe in god you don't know right from wrong".
😆 You do realize that at one point in earth history, the Continents were connected as one big land mass. No one/thing had to cross oceans to get where they are today. -
Scale of 1 to 10. How did/do you rate the meetings!
by Truthexplorer in1. boring as s***e 2. extremely boring 3. boring as hell 4. boring.
5. slightly boring 6. not bad.
7. fair.
Between a 2-3. Most speakers and parts were just plain boring. -
Talking with a young elder
by biblexaminer ini had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
Meh, Paul was a bit whiny. "Woe is me in these chains for Christ!" No one wants to hear that all the time. Others were being fed to lions and whatnot. "Me, me, me, me." Besides, he genuinely belonged in chains; after all, he was a murderer.
Gotta remember he was a spoiled rich kid. Who he studied with wasn't cheap & is still revered in the Jewish community today. Also, he was a single Jewish male with Roman citizenship.
This takes the cake
by Sour Grapes intoday during the public talk the speaker said that satan was behind the new modern phones, which are like mini computers, so that the world would have easy access to pornography..
So he can't stop watching porn on his phone, eh? Projection is a sign of weak character. -
Is it the Elders in your cong or from the borg
by Sabin ini'm just wondering, i read on another thread that as a unwritten rule ivf is a no no.
i've never heard this, so it got me thinking about other things like getting sterilised i've heard differing views on this.
some say it's fine others say the society say's no.. what about circumcision, in the u.k. & oz it's not so big (excuse the pun) but i watched a doco that said it was a big deal in america & most men have it done.
Lol @ the article!!!! Every months millions of viable eggs are flushed by women around the globe. It's called menstruation/aunt flow/ your period. Oh, and it isn't an "embryo" until fertilization.
You aren't under the Mosaic Law, do what you want with your eggs & sperm. Besides that whole sperm thing was about purposely spilling it on the ground to prevent having children not storing it to HAVE children. Sheesh!
Uneducated men writing articles are silly ... and why don't all these so-called "experts" ever have names?