An unscriptual promise is telling people if they hang out with only you following your crazy unscriptual rules, they can make it into a paradise earth.
15:4. unless we come to the realization that we have made an unscriptural promise, we should do all we can to fulfill our word, even if it is very difficult to do so.
w06 5/15 p. 17-p. 20 par.
16. highlights from book one of psalms.
An unscriptual promise is telling people if they hang out with only you following your crazy unscriptual rules, they can make it into a paradise earth.
i think i have a unique involvement with jws.
i'm not a baptized member.
my mother has been devout for over 20 years.
The problem with some people is they aren't satisfied with living their lives, they want to live yours too.
Don't allow it, live your own life and raise your own family. The parents have already had their turn, it's your turn now.
Leave so you can have peace to raise your kids.
they said we are all the same in god’s eyes.
that everyone is equal.
to prove this they call everyone “brother and sister.” sadly, this really isn’t the case.
609 african independent charismatic.
black american apostolic.
african independent charismatic.
I find Christ quite simple and non confusing. No stupid rules, no intrusion into every minute detail of one's life, love God, do good to others. How hard is that?
I find Christian groups to be a bunch of fools when claiming their way is the only true and right way. Rules out the behind, judgement of everyone of another group, hostile and plain mean sometimes. Certain points in history, outright murderous.
Christ had "a way", not you ... and we can read about it for ourselves.
With most organized religions it's about having power over others. Christianity today is no different. So yeah, confusion galore.
they said we are all the same in god’s eyes.
that everyone is equal.
to prove this they call everyone “brother and sister.” sadly, this really isn’t the case.
Yeah, we know. Its a big lie. Nothing new with organized religion, it's been that way since the originals died and Western nations got a hold of it; it was made in the form of their societies, hierarchical.
Try pulling a Paul with the JW GB ... It would be the fastest exit from a building in human history.
i heard this on "the story of god".
his blood trickle down through the rocks into adam giving.
him life.
Lol, why would anyone care about Adam's head first of all? And Shem was way too distant a progeny to have it or even know where likely Seth and Cain buried Adam.
Besides, the rest of his descendants, which was everyone alive, wouldn't let their ancestor be dug up just so one person could take his head from its original resting place. A resting place chosen by his sons.
it has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
Remember: They HAVE to spin it.
If they throw out 1914, they aren't just throwing out "this generation". They are throwing out the whole kit n kaboodle.
1914 - Christ's "invisible" reign begins (after failed earlier visual rapture dates)
1914- "This generation" (Predicated on the start of invisible reign)
1919- Being picked to be God's special peeps on Earth. (Predicated on 1914 date)
Without those 3 things, the GB has absolutely ZERO claim to fame. They're trying to stretch the 1914 date as far as they are allowed. The "generation" has to be round to see all 'these things occur' (from the enthronement of 1914 to end).
What they're doing and why is quite clear to me.
i am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience.
camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.. back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program.
we had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation.
i see jw posts on fb all the time.they say crazy things based on ignorance.. for example:.
regarding the prince article in people magazine, they are saying "we aren't a church".. i want so badly to come in and mention that gb member jackson referred to the jw org as a church over and over under sworn testimony at the arc.the jws do not lock down their security settings and allow commenting on their 'public posts'.
they need a taste of ttatt.
Of course it's a "Church". Church, Congregation, etc all mean the same thing. Translated from the original Greek it means a group of people, not a building.
CHURCH (Gk. ekklēsia) #1577: The Greek term simply means “an assembly.” It was used in secular Greek to speak of any gathering of people to a political or festive assembly, and used by the NT writers to mean a local assembly of believers, or the whole body of believers. Within the local church in each city there were probably several “assemblies” or “meetings” of believers, held in various homes.
This is what happens when we don't pay attention in English class; we miss out on that whole synonyms thing. Using a synonym does not change what something is.
earlier i posted about my loveless marriage.
i was baptized at a very young age, and during that time period i was having sex.yes i made a dedication knowing i was still practicing fornication.
i had raging hormones since my youth.
Sins aren't and can't be forgiven by men, unless you sin against someone personally ... and then you go to that person individually and ask for forgiveness; not elders. (They claim not to be like Catholic priests, so no need to "confess" to them.)
Sin literally means "to offend". According to the Bible, the only offense not forgiven is one against the Holy Spirit.
If you still believe, ask God for forgiveness. Then you stop your cheating and come clean with I'm guessing your wife. She has a right to go about her business if you're realization on attraction has become manifest.
It's going to hurt but you have to be YOU and you have to be truthful with your mate. S/he deserves that much.