Very close to Harm, excuse..."Charm City" the place where you too could become a chalked outline who went out in a blaze of glory glistening near the moonlit background of Ft. McHenry; whereupon Francis Scott sat as he wrote the words to our National Anthem while a certain Armada (no offense meant to our brit friends) was being blown out of the waters of our fine Cheasapeke Bay for disturbing the crab mating ritural.....(we had to save the crabs!!)
Home to Domino Sugar, Jeppe Nut Inc., the HQTS of the Social Security Administration, world famous John Hopkins Hospital (BTW, located in the middle of the worst ghetto known to man...plenty of research subjects tho), Preakeness, Edgar Allen Poe, National Beau Beer, famous McCormicks "Old Bay" seasoned steamed Crabs (that will burn the skin off your lips, make your eyes water and nose run...but ooh soooo good!) only to be found correctly made on Crab Row, and last but not least home of the "Espantoon"; Baltimore (City) Police nightstick. .... Oh, on the outskirts the US Naval Academy.
Maryland you are; beautiful you are, Maryland you're taking my breath and stealing my heart away!!
Maryland, you sure are beautiful, today!!! :)