Sorry for taking so long to check back...
It used to drive me insane thinking of all the people who have died, in an ugly way, taking a stand for WT doctrine...yet I know of not one GB member who has. Its just something I have always wondered about.
i was looking over rev chpt 6 .... and have always wondered how wt articles could say gb members recieved their heavenly reward when absolutely none of them had met a violent death upholding the name of christ.
as a matter of fact, gb members have had a pretty easy if not extremely comfortable life without physical persecution (they always let the rank and file be the ones killed).
they basically have existed like hermits.. anyway, the verse that catches my eye is 11 where it states for the holy ones to rest a while longer until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they also had been.. just curious because all the true christians (those who would not change their faith in god and christ) died by violence, throughout the ages.
Sorry for taking so long to check back...
It used to drive me insane thinking of all the people who have died, in an ugly way, taking a stand for WT doctrine...yet I know of not one GB member who has. Its just something I have always wondered about.
peter once wrote concerning paul's writings, saying: "in them, however, are some things hard to understand" that being the case, it is understandable why jehovah opened his long-running dialogue with israel, through isaiah, by saying: "my own people have not behaved understandingly.
" further, in that 1st chapter, at verse 10, jehovah addresses the leaders of his people saying: "hear the word of jehovah, you dictators of sodom.
give ear to the law of our god, you people of gomorrah.
Interesting topic.
For five decent people God promised Abram he would spare Sodom/Gomorrah...but as we know, only four were found which later ended up being just three.
Israel (ancient) = Sodom
GB = Israel
Israel = ungrateful group of psychos consistently rebelling against God (UGoP)
UGoP = people to whom Christ said, "your house is abandoned to you."
Now the GB also like to parallel themselves to Jerusalem (ancient) with their main house at Bethel. (for the poster who asked, I think the angels communicate with the GB by going up and down the elevator...I didn't see any ladders.)
ANyway, this means the GB = Jerusalem. So:
Jerusalem = the killer of prophets in who all the blood of the holy ones lie.
Babylon the Great = the harlot in whom all the blood of the prophets and holy people lies.
which in turn means:
GB = Jerusalem = Babylon the Great
GB = Babylon the Great.
Like Jerusalem and Babylon the Great ... the Kings if the Earth must come along and destroy the GB for its disgusting behaviour and dishonour to God.
Okay, I get it now...thanks You Know.
PS. I do recall someone saying "Get out of her my people...if you don't want to be a sharer in her sins, for her sins have amassed all the way up to heaven." Funny how this is mentioned time and time again relating to all the parties who parallel each other. Seems the same thing was said about Sodom and Gomorrah, if I recall correctly.
Sounds like good advice.
Edited by - Lieu to add more.
Edited by - Lieu on 8 August 2002 19:50:35
isn't this just a pitiful way of saying, 'i can't deal with my anger'....'just be passive and be quiet and don't have any expectations'....'life is just too difficult; count me out'....'i can't have any impact anyway so why should i even try?
'....and of just sitting somewhere on the very outside and just daydreaming of how god, or maybe even spiderman, is just going to come along one day and then, then really, "i'll show you!
I wonder what would have happened had David (being the newly annointed King) sat around saying, "I'll wait on Jehovah", while Saul was trying to kill him? ... Interesting
If everybody in the Biblical record just sat around "waiting on Jehovah", there would be no Biblical record of anything.
Personally, I always thought it was I'm "waiting on Jehovah's promise" to ultimately be fullfilled...until then I will continue on with my life doing the best that I can.
"Waiting on Jehovah" as used by JW(s) amounts to sheer and utter basically means I shall make absolutely no effort to deal with this issue whatsoever.
"maybe this time he'll change"
"maybe this time he'll change"
machismoa global problem
Some battered women may need to seek assistance from the authorities
Why doesn't that read "All battered women need to seek assistance from the authorities"?
At times, a point of crisissuch as the intervention of the policecan cause an abusive man to see the seriousness of his actions.
Yes, "the first time".... drag the scum bag to the pokey.
Admittedly, however, any motivation to change often vanishes once the crisis has passed.Admitted by whom? Motivation is when psycho family members named 'pooky' and 'lil man' come to pay the batterer a visit. :)
"life on mars" mmm i wonder what jws would say on the matter,maybe adam and eve visited mars( just joking).anyway what do you think, will they find life on mars.
I used to wonder that if God created angels and mankind, why would we (JWs) think he was incapable of creating some other sort of life form that could live on Mars or some other planet in the vast universe. It used to make me think that an all powerful God was limited by our (JWs) own limited interpretations of the universe and sheer vanity.
why is it that the wts likens their "governing body" with the royal priesthood of israel when it attempts to reason that it has god's holy spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is never likened to the governing body.
every time that the same jewish priesthood's is said to be the object of god's wrath, the wts says that it actually represents christendom and the judgements it will receive.
it appears that the wts is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of isarael when it is convenient for them.
.....St. Minimus.......
why is it that the wts likens their "governing body" with the royal priesthood of israel when it attempts to reason that it has god's holy spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is never likened to the governing body.
every time that the same jewish priesthood's is said to be the object of god's wrath, the wts says that it actually represents christendom and the judgements it will receive.
it appears that the wts is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of isarael when it is convenient for them.
So when are the elders going to be named 'saints' minimus? that silliness soon to come to 'light' (TM) also?
why is it that the wts likens their "governing body" with the royal priesthood of israel when it attempts to reason that it has god's holy spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is never likened to the governing body.
every time that the same jewish priesthood's is said to be the object of god's wrath, the wts says that it actually represents christendom and the judgements it will receive.
it appears that the wts is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of isarael when it is convenient for them.
Seriously? ... They actually wish they were ancient Israelites and cannot see past 1BCE. Its fine with me because I think they are exactly like ancient Israelies....a stubborn and stiff necked people.
GB members are "spiritual terrorists".
do they not meet the definition?
it is a crime in itself.
what is the punishment?.
I would say, yes indeed. You have to remember that NYC is an extremely political place. Now think about the WBTS being able in NYC to "aquire" the amount of landholdings it has.....and in Brooklyn to boot.
This requires the say so of high level politicians, housing inspectors, zone inspectors, city solicitor personnel, the DA, and I won't mention the Union bosses who keep their personnel from complaining about the loss of a building contract...etc. Then add in the Gov. of NY state and the Gov. of Pennsylvania and their cronies.
Shall I continue? ... What does this say to you about the WBTS? What would a few detectives be up against?
Edited to include items.
Edited by - Lieu on 30 July 2002 13:53:10
christian organisations around the world have a long-standing interest in rendering physical and material aid to those in their communities who find themselves in need.
in recent times, the wts have reacted to criticism that they have not lived up to the apostle james' admonition to "look after orphans and widows in their tribulation" (james 1:27) so on their media website, they make a statement entitled "contribution to the community".
so, how do those claiming to be the true christians render such aid.
I'll guess Oz,
Nowhere does it say that they are "looking after widows and orphans"....nor does it state that any of the abovementioned activities are part of some well regulated and specific "program". It also does not say that there is any monetary or food assistance for those in need.