Personally, I think the Pharasies thought God's standards weren't high/good they added their own just like the WTS does.
ie. God says: Wash your hands before you eat.
Pharasies say: Washing your hands isn't good enough, you must wash all the way up to your elbows.
God says: Be neat and clean in appearance for worship.
WTS says: Being neat and clean in appearance is not good enough, you must also wear a white shirt, tie, and suit coat. No beards and you must do your best not to resemble anyone outside of this place.
Christ tells us: You will know my disciples by the love they have amoung one another.
WTS says: We know Christ's disciples are only those who attend 5 meetings a week and turn in 10 hrs of field service. (15 min. exception for the elderly and infirm)
Paul says: ref. to some saying they belonged to Apollos, some Paul, some Cephas, and some Christ seperately. Paul states, they should all speak in agreement as to being Christians and belonging only to Christ. Christ died for us, not Paul, Cephas, or Apollos.
WTS says: Paul said we should all speak in agreement and never say something different than the GB. For the GB is our mediator and speaks for us. When they say jump, we ask how high...forget about Christ dying for you, you belong to the GB.
Edited by - Lieu on 8 September 2002 18:12:42